Healing looking at oceanDear Friends,

This month we are exploring the God Powers within us. This week we will activate the  HEALING  power within. We are created out of the very essence of God, so we inherit these beautiful sacred wonderful powers.  As we align our heart, mind, and consciousness with the Truth of our Being, our body responds. We are  expressions of God so Spiritual wholeness is ours forever.
Two of my favorite meditations by Dr.Ernest Holmes in the Science of Mind text pg 508 are as follows:

He is Mighty Within Me to Heal
God within me is mighty to heal.
He healeth me of all my diseases and removes all fear from me. My God within is now healing me of all sickness and pain and is bringing comfort to my soul.
God is my life, I cannot be sick
I hear the voice of Truth telling me to arise and walk,
for I am healed.
I Do Not Inherit Disease
There is no inherited tendency to disease of ill health.
I am born of Pure Spirit.
False ideas cannot be transmitted from  one to another, and I am free from (human) race suggestion.
My Life is from Above, and I remember that I was always Perfect and Complete.
An Inner Light shines forth and frees me from the bonds of false belief.
If you are experiencing any dis-ease, say these beautiful affirmations over and over until you feel re-aligned with the energy and vibrations of your God Self.

HEALING is your Powerful God Quality. Activate it !
Health and Wholeness are Yours NOW!


“According to Buddhism, all beings are imbued with a spark of inner divine light…. The Jewish mystics use similar words when they speak of the inner spark or the spark of God. The Koran, referring to man, talks about the little candle flame burning in a niche in the wall of God’s temple. Almost inevitably a spiritual search becomes a search for divine or sacred light. By cultivating our inner core, we search for this light in ourselves as well as the divine.” – Lama Surya Das http://www.adishakti.org/his_light_within.htm#sthash.0vM1bI4m.dpuf

Dear Friends,

MothLiteIn the early morning, while still a bit dark, I was sitting quietly in my favorite meditation chair. I asked what message I need to hear today and all of a sudden I saw a tiny shadow at the window. I looked more closely and saw it was a moth trying to come in. It was so attracted to this soft Himalayan Salt lamp I have on my meditation table and persisted for quite a while. This reminded me of how we are ALL attracted to the LIGHT, the Light and Glow of God. Each of us in our own way are seekers of the Light. We each seek to become a true expression of God. As a New Thought minister I believe God’s Call is always here and available and we as human spiritual beings are continually attracted to the Good, to the essence of God. Even the plants and trees we see raise up towards the sunlight.  We have even seen the tiniest weed and flower grow through a crack in the cement, finding its way towards the Light. As our souls seek the Light of God we come to realize the Light has always been there for us because God’s Light is in us.  Once we awaken to this Truth that the Light is within, we know it is in everyone and everything.   There is only God being God in all, through all, as all, even in and as the tiny moth.

 “I realize that I am one with the eternal newness of life. All that Spirit is creates in and through me. My body is alive with the life of God.  My body is illumined by the light of God. There is no darkness of discouragement, despair or defeat. My mind is refreshed in that One Mind that eternally gives of Itself to its creation.”                                             – Dr. Ernest Holmes, Founder of Religious Science


Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. Proverbs 16:24 ESV

circle of love


Words are so important to us.  They communicate our thoughts and feelings in many different ways such as; speech, pen, hand motions and computers etc. What would we do without them?  When learning a new language we must memorize 1,000’s of words just to feel adequate in a conversation.  Knowing the meaning and nuances of words is essential to our life.  Science has created ways to show how words vibrationally look on a screen. Harsh, loud,angry words have a very jagged look while words of love, joy, & comfort look smooth and easy.  We as energetic spiritual beings truly FEEL the vibrations of all the words we use and the words we hear from others.  Some vibrational words come at us like a hurricane, and others like a gentle floral breeze.  How are you using your words today?  Be the gentle breeze that uplifts whomever you meet. All that we say, the way and how we say it, goes forth and affects others, then circles back and affects us as well. Speak in a circle of love my friends.


Something Greater, Something More


“Just as the Sufi dervish whirls for absolution amidst his material world, so must we transcend our physicality into something greater, something more.” The Whirling of the Dervish by Haafiz Karim

Dear Friends,

I love the phrase in the quote printed above. “Something greater, something more…”  To me this always means newness, growth, and transformation. Our word for the month is  GROWTH.    In March we begin to see new buds forming, new sprouts springing  up from the ground, new babies being born etc. Even grass, weeds and mini flowers find their way through asphalt or cement.  Everything in nature has a calling to GROW into something greater, something more as the caterpillar bursts forth from its cocoon into a beautiful butterfly, no longer encapsulated, but free to fly and soar to the sky.  At different stages in our lives we may be in the “growing up stage,” in the cocoon, and when we are ready, we burst forth into NEW GROWTH, a higher consciousness, and wholeness in our  physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body!  Where are you in your GROWTH today?  What is calling you to emerge into more of your Greatness, more of your Spiritual Magnificence?  The Calling is saying find JOY in  who you are and what you do.  You are a beloved expression of God, heir to the Divine Throne with the Mighty I AM Spirit moving in you, as you, being you now and forever!!! ***