Happy Thanksgiving Goodness of God

Thanksgiving For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, For love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

This is the time of year we are most focused on our blessings and all we are thankful for.  It is a wonderful time of raising our Consciousness and consequently raising others as well.   We hear so often what is wrong with this world, when in actuality so much is RIGHT!  People are good. People are helpful.  Just last week Steve and I were on our way to a memorial service when we heard our tire make the  “I am SO flat” sound.  That may have been a tragic circumstance and we could have gotten upset. However, I believe we are always in the Divine Bubble of Light and I always say that prayer before we go anywhere. As we felt the flat tire bumping us along, we noticed we were right next to an exit where we could get off.  Our tire was able to take us to the bottom of the exit and yet out of the way of all traffic. I counted my blessings!  We called AAA and they sent a wonderful man out quickly who put on our spare tire easily and made sure Steve was not standing in the way of traffic. I counted my blessings!  We then proceeded to 2 exits away to a Discount Tire store where they easily and quickly put on a new tire. I counted my blessings! We proceeded to the memorial and even arrived in time to hear the last 15 minutes of the service. I counted my blessings! We met and talked with so many lovely people sharing beautiful memories and making new friends. I counted my blessings! A day that could have gone array, came and went with grace and ease. It doesn’t really matter what circumstances happen to you, it matters how you view them and the attitude you take. I counted my blessings because IT’S  ALL GOOD!

We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Think About God


I was reading an article by Rev. Sally Robbins in the November Creative Thought magazine and I wanted to share a story she told.
“At a conference a few years ago, author Beth Moore told the story of a family whom she knows.  This family has a son named Gabriel who is developmentally disabled. Gabriel can’t really read or write, but he knows how to spell his name. As she continued the story, she held up a piece of paper and said, “I know you can’t see this, but Gabriel wrote his name on this paper. The first letter, ‘G’ is perfect.  For the second letter, ‘a’ he writes a circle, but he always forgets to put the little tail on it.  For the third letter, instead of writing a ‘b’ he inverts it and writes it backwards, which now looks like a ‘d’.  Then, for emphasis, he puts a period.
She closed by saying, ‘When you find yourself focusing on a problem, turn away from it and focus on God, period!’ Wise words indeed. Our thinking can expand beyond the box of limited thinking such as worry. We can move into the realm of possibility, knowing that we are always in tune with the brilliant unfoldment of the Infinite.”

What a beautiful story, which reminded me GOD is always our only answer to all our challenges!  That is no accident, this beautiful child, Gabriel writes his name as God.  It may be his soul’s purpose is to remind everyone he knows GOD is within him. God is his name. God is his nature. God is his true essence and being.  Knowing that for himself, he is a perfect reminder God is in YOU and Me and ALL there is.


Peace and Blessngs Always,

Rev. Dr. Abigail Albert
Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert

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Interfaith Manual




  NEW E-Book                           

FROM RELIGIOUS to SPIRITUAL:       The New Thought Experience  Combining all the general information from the New Thought Day PowerPoint with the New Thought portions of The Interfaith Manual , I also added a last chapter on how I used New Thought principles to go through and recover from my 2003 stroke.  The book can be downloaded at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00O2K47XU