Walk Those Hills

“There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way                      to make life beautiful for others.”
-Mandy Hale,
The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Dear Friends,Helping hands team work

As many of you know I love my early morning walks. It is a wonderful time to be in touch with Spirit and all Spirit’s wonders; trees, flowers, sky, birds, bunnies and even a coyote once in awhile.  One day I felt a bit tired and didn’t  feel like walking, but I put on my shoes and went anyway. No mater which way I turned, right or left, I had to walk up a hill.   This particular morning it felt like hiking up a small mountain. Somehow I just kept going. As I continued, I seemed to feel better and picked up my speed.  Eventually I was walking down a hill and the thought occurred to me, life is a bunch of hills, going up and down.  The hills up are our challenges. When we reach the top, or begin to see the situation from a higher view, we feel better and  life gets easier. When we are  walking down the hill, life seems like it is going pretty well.  I know there have been experiences where we ask, “Why Me…???”  So the answer is also a question,  “Why Not You…!”  It is not the experience itself,  it is our reaction, and how we handle it in heart and mind, that is truly important. We are all here to learn, unfold spiritually, and transform consciousness.  All events, all people, all situations are part of the Divine Design to help us do just that!  So often after a challenging experience ( health, love, work, betrayal or hurt) we are in a position to HELP someone else.  Now we have a clearer vision, and perspective on our situation, and are better equipped to help someone else go through a similar experience.   The more we encourage and inspire others, the more we are encouraged and inspired as well.
We are all on this journey together.  We all go up and down those hills.

So put those shoes on and appreciate the walk, wherever it leads!

The 4 C’s

cleanDear Friends,

On my walk this morning I was divinely guided to come back home and begin CLEANING!  I love the 4 C’sCleaning Clears Consciousness & Clutter!
I find when I begin cleaning and clearing out the garage, other areas that need attending follow, like closets, and cabinets under sinks.  It is a wonderful time to Free the mind from normal activities and enjoy the freedom of giving things away, either to the library, Goodwill or the hungry gray trashbin! 🙂  I also find thoughts come up to reflect on and then let go. The same with cleaning out “items,’ we let go of what no longer serves us and we make way for new good in our lives! What a refreshing way to clean!
Today a NEW idea came to mind for me to look at, and think about.  This new thought was really not new, but I felt it at a deeper level.  I was feeling my Spirit think, and reflect, as I envisioned my brain. I am grateful for my brain and yet my spirit, my consciousness is alive and well with or without my body brain.  My Consciousness is Spirit and is the one doing the thinking, the work, the Being.  I blessed my body as the container for my True Self.  I felt  “At Home” in my Spirit Self.
All that, from cleaning the garage!  It was a profound experience, one I am not telling very well.  Some experiences cannot be explained, just felt.
Are you ready for something NEW?  Allow the
4 C’s to flow. Cleaning Clears Consciousness & Clutter.
Be Free!4Cs

Divine Concensus

“If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.”
-African Proverb


Dear Friends,

I read the above quote in the August Science of Mind magazine and I immediately resonated with it.  I have and am serving on many boards and committees and have always found when we come together to work on a project or to find a solution, ALL ideas need to be honored at the table.  I believe in consensus and know when we all agree, there is 100% buy-in and cooperation.  It may take some time to get there, but once there, everything and every detail falls into place.

Just recently we finalized the Theme for the 2017 NAIN (North American Interfaith Network) Connect Conference which Dr. Steve is Chair.  We have had other meetings and emails going back and forth and the theme ideas were wide spread and inconclusive.   At this past meeting we knew we needed to really be clear and come to a decision on the theme.  We prayed, and walked the labyrinth asking what God’s Highest Divine Idea is for the conference.  Needless to say, all previous theme ideas were thrown out and a NEW one began to emerge. This was the Theme we could all agree on, and come to consensus with.

HARMONY: The Journey to Interfaith Understanding!

The 4 C’s:  Communication, Collaboration. Cooperation and Consensus is a beautiful process where everyone is heard and appreciated.  There is such JOY when we are all ONE in agreement.

Whatever committee you are on or leading, go for Divine Consensus and you will have a harmonious group of people all working for the highest good of all.

Peace and Blessings Always,

Rev. Dr. Abigail and Rev Dr. Steve

Release the “Button Pushers.”

“Everybody has a hot button. Who is pushing yours? While you probably cannot control that person, you CAN control the way you react to them.”

'Maybe if your buttons weren't so big, Mel, people wouldn't be so inclined to push them!'

Dear Friends,

What brings PEACE to your soul?  This Wednesday, August 5th from 2-3:30pm we will have our “Prayers for Self Peace” and Labyrinth Walk.  Please go to the Events button on this newsletter and click AFC.

We will talk about :
5  Key Ways to create Self Peace in your life.
One of those ways is “Releasing those who Push Your Buttons.”
We have all met someone who just makes the hair on our neck stand on end. Who is that person for you?  When we know our spiritual purpose is to Love more, Forgive more and Find the God within all people, places and things, who is not to say, that “PYB” person isn’t here to be your teacher to help you do just those things. On a soul level he or she wants you to see  him or her from a higher perspective. There is a greater purpose happening and we need to view it as God views it. Not only will you be releasing your negative feelings about the person, you will be releasing any form of victim hood in your relationship with him or her. When you do that, you are living from your Higher Self. Living this way  brings both Peace and Freedom in your life.

As you Walk the Labyrinth, take the person with you in mind and heart to the center. This is the symbol for the center of your Soul, your God Self, your Spirit. Discover the message from the Divine and walk out with a renewed, restored, revived love, joy and peace at heart regarding this person and yourself.

Center of Lab Praying Child Crystals