Dear  Friends,
What is mine to do today?  Do you ask this question on a daily basis?
I ask the question, then surrender to the answer.  Sometimes I do what is on my list and sometimes God moves me in a completely different direction. As I began writing this message, I started with one idea and then flowed into another idea.
I was taking a walk around our neighborhood this morning and noticed an old local newspaper on the driveway of one of my neighbors.  I knew they must be away so I picked it up and moved the paper to an unseen location from the street. It seemed like the right thing to do and safe not to broadcast someone is away from their home.
I kept walking and noticed several pennies were right next to a  car door.
I love picking up pennies and change on the street, however something made me stop and consider, the person getting out of the car was probably the owner of the pennies.  So I picked them up and placed them on the hood of the car where the driver could see them before he or she got into the car.
Later as I drove my car to the bank I had the opportunity to allow other cars to go first at an intersection and to also come out of a difficult driveway.
SIMPLE actions, Simple considerations.
I will never know what the ramifications of these simple sparks of consideration  will be  and it isn’t mine to know. These were just mine to do. Sometimes we can get caught up in trying to do too much for too many people. Maybe just being aware of doing the little, simpler things for others, is what is yours to do today.
GOD can see the BIG picture and I am, you are, a part of the picture.
Allow yourself to be moved into action when it feels right, big or small.
Enjoy your day and listen for what is yours to do!