Be at Peace



Dear Friends,
    I have been drawn to the idea of PEACE these past few days. I was reading  about the breath in one of my favorite books, Spiritual Unfoldment.  It talked about breathing in the Breath of God and exhaling Love, Light and Peace  to the world, and to every living being. I also have a  rose on my meditation table that says, “Love is the Answer.” I know when I have a loving heart, I am at peace. And as I was pulling out my Christmas decorations and other decor, I hung up some guest finger towels that said “Peace.”  There are no coincidences. PEACE  was and is on my plate!
     During this time of year, what can be more important than to keep oneself at Peace, in heart, mind, soul and body.  With deep inner peace, there can only be openness and love.  The Beloved Jesus the Christ said,
“Peace I leave with you, Peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
– John 14:27.
Today, as you sit, meditate, pray, and reflect, take in a deep cleansing breath then breathe deeply  bringing in all the Love and Peace of God.  As you exhale, send out the energy of Love, Peace, Joy, Forgiveness to all those who you love and those who you do not.   We must remember the Spark of God is within ALL people, not just a few.  As we see the good, the good emerges. Instead of wasting time on what you do not like, spend precious moments on what you do want, such as peace love, and goodness.
What we see and feel is what we get.  What do you want?  See it, feel it. LOVE it.  Be at Peace.
With Love  and Peace,