Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life


What a beautiful quote by Pema Chodron, and so true.  Life always has a way of sending us messages and is very persistent as well as patient.  What areas of your life are being repeated  and replayed  over and over?  Are you ready to learn the lesson and move on?  Learning the lesson means we are willing to be silent and go deep within and really be honest with ourselves in how we conduct the business of life. What words and intentions are we using in our relationships, work place, finances and health. Look carefully.  If we continue to “claim” ill health it will remain and be repeated. If we “state” our checkbook never has enough to pay our bills, it never will. If we hold a grudge against someone who got “the job” we wanted, we become stuck in life. When we use words, thoughts and feelings in this way we place

a DEMAND on the Universe to MAKE IT COME TRUE!  Let’s STOP the pattern! Claim, state, demand and picture, a different outcome.  The beauty of this exercise is we can also do it for past memories as well. Do you have a  memory that replays itself constantly? Stop for a moment, be silent, get quiet and Visualize  what you really wanted to do or say to not cause harm or hurt to another human being and/or to yourself! Also replay the memory so the other person does not cause you suffering or stress.  Picture the outcome as one of peace and harmony, abundance and joy, love and compassion. Yes, you can do that for the past, present and future.   When you change the memory of the past, you change the timing, experiences and vibrations of the present and future. All is energy, and all time is occurring NOW.

The lesson is….

“Change your thinking, Change Your Life!”              (Ernest Holmes)

Lesson Learned!