
Keep the twinkle and jingle bells in your heart.

Dear Friends,
My mentor minister, Dr. Juanella Evans always told me, “Consciousness is all there is.” When we are in tune with our consciousness we know who we are and where we stand.  Let us be in touch with our Christ Consciousness during this Holiday Season… and beyond.
At our Labyrinth walk last Saturday I made a commitment to be AWARE of the “INVISIBLE” people. These are the people you might not notice or may dismiss during your daily journey in life.
The other day I dropped a dollar in the Salvation Army can and almost missed the lady sitting in the chair ringing the bell. I stopped, turned around and said to her, “I see you.  I appreciate what you are doing.  I know it is not easy to sit here for hours in service. I just want to thank you.”  This lady got tears in her eyes and said, “You just made my day.”
I love the phrase, “I see you,” from the movie Avatar. There are many ways to SEE people.  A wave or hello to the Latino workers standing on the corner, hoping for a job, or to the gardeners working on front lawns. Send a greeting or thank you to our Sanitary Engineers who faithfully pick up all our garbage every week. Who else needs to be recognized and appreciated?
I walked past a lady beginning to unfold her walker/chair before going into Macys.  I asked her if she needed help.  She smiled and said, no, however she thanked me for the kind offer.   Waiting to hold a door open for someone, not being upset when someone takes your parking spot is a Consciousness of Grace.
Any person in customer service (stores, banks, post office) is in great need of kindness, respect and a smile at this time of year.  BE that person who  SEES them, appreciates and thanks them for their service.  Isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Isn’t that what our beloved Jesus did?  He went out of his way to minister to the poor, sick and “unseen” people.
BE the Consciousness of Christ, SEE the people.  It will only crack your heart WIDE open with even greater love and awareness of your fellowman, woman and child this Holy Days Season.
I SEE You, I Appreciate You, I Love You,