Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. Proverbs 16:24 ESV

circle of love


Words are so important to us.  They communicate our thoughts and feelings in many different ways such as; speech, pen, hand motions and computers etc. What would we do without them?  When learning a new language we must memorize 1,000’s of words just to feel adequate in a conversation.  Knowing the meaning and nuances of words is essential to our life.  Science has created ways to show how words vibrationally look on a screen. Harsh, loud,angry words have a very jagged look while words of love, joy, & comfort look smooth and easy.  We as energetic spiritual beings truly FEEL the vibrations of all the words we use and the words we hear from others.  Some vibrational words come at us like a hurricane, and others like a gentle floral breeze.  How are you using your words today?  Be the gentle breeze that uplifts whomever you meet. All that we say, the way and how we say it, goes forth and affects others, then circles back and affects us as well. Speak in a circle of love my friends.