I am you and you are me. Let us remember our oneness. There is no separation in spirit. There is a Golden Thread that connects all of us and when we are kind and serving of one, we are kind and serving to all.
Let us have a grateful heart, integrity in action and purity of intent in all we think, say and do.
We sacredly honor all faith traditions, all races, all cultures, ethnicities, and gender identities. We celebrate humanity’s oneness,
We are here to sow the seeds of peace, kindness and cooperation throughout the world and celebrate humanity’s Oneness.

We see The All Faith Center as a sacred safe space for individual & groups to walk the Labyrinth, pray together, share spiritual journeys, and learn from one another. We encourage spiritual leaders from all traditions to hold workshops and seminars here. The Labyrinth is open to all. We honor all faith traditions, cultures, humanists, and more. All are Welcome Here.
The All Faith Center is a member of the POINT Poway Interfaith Team. Our meetings are the second Thursday of each month
At this time we are hosting either zoom only meetings or a Hybrid of in person and zoom. Events throughout the year include an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, Harmony Breakfast, Spring Event and partner with World Interfaith Network to coordinate Interfaith Awareness Week the second week in August. We also collaborate with our service, faith and interfaith organizations throughout the year. Rev. Dr. Abigail Albert is the Executive Director of POINT.
What Is Interfaith?
The Interfaith movement is dedicated to increasing the dialogue between people of all faiths so as to bring a heightened awareness of how similar people are to others from different faiths and to increase the trust between people and create a greater peace in the world. We are here to honor all faith paths, celebrate humanity’s oneness, to educate the public about the world’s religions and to sow the seeds of peace, kindness and cooperation throughout the world. The All Faith Center whose doors are open to all, has previously provided a multi-faith sacred place to come for worship, dialogue and learning. It is now searching for a physical location in the San Diego region to create a 7-day a week environment where people from various faiths can meet for a variety of worship services, classes and casual dialogue. Interfaith centers throughout the world believe: There is one God, called by many names, the Spirit of which is in every person and we are all interconnected with each other. We accept all people as equal who treat all people as equal. We respect the sanctity of all life. We affirm the truth in all faiths and religious paths and learn from each. We affirm our belief that seeking attunement to God/Spirit is the highest goal of conscious living. We affirm an inclusive vision of “We.” We affirm the essential goodness of the human being. We affirm that each person, indeed all life, is a part of the healing of the world. We affirm the value of Interfaith interactions as enriching our awareness of God/Spirit in the world.
The All Faith Center is a member of POINT Interfaith Team. We invite you to join and be a part of our interfaith community. We are friends, family and many faiths.
Benefits of Interfaith Relationships
Birds of a Feather Flock Together Video Series continues on the Discussion Page.
Just click “Videos.”
In striving to recognize the primacy of Fire and Light,
I feel kinship with my Zoroastrian brothers and sisters.
In striving to obey the Ten Commandments,
I feel kinship with my Jewish brothers and sisters.
In striving to be kind to neighbors and the needy,
I feel kinship with my Christian brothers and sisters.
In striving to be compassionate to creatures great and small,
I feel kinship with my Buddhist – Jain brothers and sisters.
In striving to surrender myself completely to God Almighty,
I feel kinship with my Muslim brothers and sisters.
In the recognition that wisdom flows from enlightened masters,
I feel kinship with my Sikh brothers and sisters.
In remembering that serving people should be the goal of religion,
I feel kinship with my Bahá’í brothers and sisters.
In knowing the power of our mind and heart to create our life,
I feel kinship with my New Thought brothers and sisters.
In my respect and reverence for Nature that sustains us,
I feel kinship with my Native American brothers and sisters.
In feeling that these and more are all paths to the same Divinity,
I feel kinship with my Hindu brothers and sisters.
In my love and laughter, joy and pain,
I feel kinship with all my fellow humans.
In my need for nourishment and instinct to live on,
I feel kinship with all beings on the planet.
In my spiritual ecstasy with this wondrous world,
I feel kinship with the Cosmic Whole.
Inspired by the Parliament of World Religions
Composed by Dr. V. V. Raman at The Cape of Good Hope, SA, 1999
New Thought Kinship composed by Rev. Dr. Abigail & Rev. Dr. Steve Albert 2010