Everyone is welcome to walk our Labyrinth on their own time and pace.
It is a walking meditation. As we walk, we are open and receptive to Divine Ideas,
our Divine Purpose and Divine Transformation.
A labyrinth is a sacred geometrical symbol with a single path leading to a center point.
It is not a maze because there is only one path. The walls keep you on the path.
The goal is in the center of the labyrinth. When you reach it, you have gone half the distance – you now need to turn around and walk back out.
Its unique pattern is designed to shift awareness from left brain to right brain as you walk, inducing a heightened state of consciousness.
It allows those who enter to experience other ways of “seeing.” The center point is the place of power. A labyrinth is a single path or uni-cursal tool for personal,
psychological and spiritual transformation. Labyrinths are thought to enhance right brain activity.
In a most basic sense, the labyrinth represents the spiritual journey; that of venturing to the center of your innermost being and then returning to the world with a broader sense of who you are.
It is a metaphor for life’s journey. Inherent within the design of the labyrinth is its archetypical power, dating back some 3,000 to 4,000 years.
Sacred Events
Burning Bowl and White Stone Ceremonies
Other Classes and Events
Medicine Wheel and Drum Circle
World Labyrinth Day creating WANDS “Your Word is Your Wand”
and more…
We are available for groups (no more than 20) to walk the labyrinth.
We will share a brief history, and how labyrinths are used today.
There will be time for sharing, meditation and reflection after personal walks.
Refreshments and water provided.
Call 858-487-8885 to set up a time for your group to experience
the sacredness of the Labyrinth.