Do you remember when you were a child and the first time you went to the beach, walked on the warm sand and put your toes in the cold foamy water? I think we all have memories of the first wave that may have knocked us down or when we dove into a wave to avoid the tumbling. We were having fun, laughing, playing and enjoying life in the moment. We tasted the water, smelled the beach smells. heard the cries of the birds and other people playing. We have just imaged this wonderful time in our lives. The beauty now is, we can image and VISION, not just the past, but our future dreams and goals with all of our senses. The Mind does not recognize past, present or future. It is here to serve us as we think into It and allow It to bring forth the Divine Outcome. Let us begin to VISION what our heart’s desire is, what we truly want, our passion our dreams. You are an Expression of God and are worthy of All Good, All Abundance, All Health, All Success, All Unconditional Love. You deserve not just the cake, but the icing, ice cream and the extra toppings as well! 🙂 A picture is worth a 1,000 words so have fun creating a Vision Board. Bring some friends over to create, pray, image and DECLARE your good together. Combined energy in a spirit of Joy manifests greatly! VISION V=Visit within.. I=Ignore the appearance. S=Seek Spirit’s help. I-Image the best results. O=Open yourself for daydreams. N=Never lose your dream! Be a child and let your Mind and heart laugh, play and have fun in the process of creation! (VISION acronym from REBOOT to Success, by Stephen Albert)
“I realize my dreams through patience, trusting the process, and staying with the dream. I stay with it until the demonstration arrives. I stay the course.” Rev. Dr. Patti Weber

The fragrance always stays in the hand
that gives the rose.
~ Hada Bejar
We GIVE who we are. As within, so without.
The beautiful quote today really says it all. When we give with LOVE no matter what it is, a helping hand, a smile, a donation, we are giving ourselves. It is the energy of Love. When we place, “I should do this, or I think it would make me look good,” we are coming from a very different energy. No matter the action or deed, others can read our heart and our intention. It is very important to be true to ourselves and be authentic in our words feelings and actions. What ROSE will you be giving today?

Steve and I just returned from another amazing North American Interfaith Conference, ‘NAINConnect,’ in Toronto, Canada. The theme this year was “In Diversity is Our Strength.” We were happy to reconnect with old friendships and greet and meet new friends. Perhaps next year you will attend with us.
The plenaries and workshops were excellent and there seemed to be a recurring feeling that INCLUSIVITY is a must! As some presenters talked about Abrahamic Walks, our Hindu and Sikh friends suggested these walks from temple to church to mosque, also include walks to a Gurdwara and a Hindu temple as well. Other presentations included Interfaith Prison ministries, the Golden Rule Curriculum, Compassionate Cities, Success of Dialogue, Indigenous Experiences, Faith Stories: Resources and Tools, Interfaith Marriages, Interfaith Education, Youth Engagement, presentations by the Young Scholars and more. We took bus trips to various Faith Centers, were served fabulous meals and we experienced prayers from the Aboriginal, Sikh, Celtic, Catholic, and Islamic traditions.
We expanded our comfort zones and enlarged our circle of friends. We must continue to do this and discover ways to bring into the circle those without a faith. One workshop was based on values as a bridge between religion and humanism. The more we accept everyone, the stronger, more knowledgeable and more profound our interfaith work becomes.
Peace and harmony is established when we break down the barriers of fear of “the other.” For in Truth we know, there is no “other.” We see ourselves in everyone and everyone is in us. We are ONE in this great Universe. The feelings of acceptance and belonging is crucial in order to bring forth a world that works, supports, maintains and sustains ALL.