Magnificent Obsession

I freely give in secret.
I freely receive in grateful quietude.
I am gently led in and towards my Magnificent Obsession!

Magnificent Obsession

Last week we saw a Turner Classic Movie called
“Magnificent Obsession” with Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman. We had no idea what a spiritual movie it was.  Rock Hudson was a “Playboy,” not caring about anyone or anything but himself.  Due to his reckless behavior and some sequential events he causes another man to die. In his inept way to make amends, he finds himself falling in love with the widow. In his relentless pursuit of her, he causes her to fall in front of a car resulting in her becoming blind.  At his wits end, he meets an artist who tells him the one way he can find his path, is to recognize his Magnificent Obsession. Rock does not know how to do that, so the artist says, ” To find your Magnificent Obsession:
GIVE to others. Give to those who do not have, and ask them never to tell where the help came from. Give without expecting payment or anything in return.   As Rock begins to do this he also re-discovers his passion, his love for medicine.  As the relationship with Jane goes uphill and then downhill,  he realizes the only thing left to do is to complete his doctor program and become a surgeon.
I don’t want to tell you how it ends, but Rock’s Magnificent Obsession with his two loves come together in the most beautiful way.  In the end we all realize, everything that happened that appeared “bad” was ultimately meant for good!
Does this sound familiar??? What man intends for evil, God intends for Good!
Lesson:  The more you GIVE, the more you are led to your Magnificent Obsession where you make a unique difference in the world.  Regardless of appearance, ALL is meant to bless you in your life’s journey.
This movie is based on a true story.

GPS – God’s Planning System

 The GPS on the car dashboard proves that there
is more than one route to our goals.
Robert J. Bannon   


Dear Friends,
We were attending an interfaith community’s event this past weekend and I was talking with a gentlemen about Visioning, and Seeing the Goal. We talked about how we feel God is Divinely Orchestrating our lives and even when we get off track, we somehow, through many life experiences, seem to get back on!  This was a wonderful conversation with a person whose faith is different than mine.  He told me a story about driving his car and  when he took a wrong turn the  GPS would revise/reconstruct his route. Eventually he got there.  He said that is just like GOD. We may get off course from the Divine Plan of our lives, and yet God gently (and sometimes not so gently) revises the plan and direction so we will eventually get to the Divine Goal/Good.  I loved that illustration of God continually guiding us and still giving us our free will to make mistakes and take the wrong turns. The beauty is, we will arrive! It may take longer than we had intended, however we will arrive!

Travel with Trust!

Traveling Light

Travel LightSummer is here and many of us are planning vacations. Hence, we plan, we pack,      we travel.
In our planning and in our packing think about the words stated above.  “How LIGHT do you travel?”  And I don’t mean clothes…. Pack these LIGHT ideas into the suitcase of your heart and mind.
L – Life is an adventure. Laugh  and be Light hearted in all situations.
I – Invoke the Presence of God .from start to finish.
God goes before me and makes my way easy, effortless,
and Inspiring.
G –  Be Grateful you have this opportunity to travel. Many people do not. Be a Gracious Guest wherever you are and see the Good in all people and in all situations.
H – Help another traveler on the way. What goes around comes around.
T – You are on a Tremendous Adventure.
be Thoughtful and allow enough Time wherever you go.
Happy Travels