Love is at the Center

LOVE rock in center

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,  while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
– Lao Tzu

I love to walk the labyrinth in the mornings. It is a beautiful time for peaceful contemplation and meditation.
One morning I walked it and noticed a new rock in the center I had never seen  there before.  I picked it up and saw  the word “LOVE” on it. I was so touched, and realized someone placed it there at the Renewal of Vows ceremony on Valentine’s Day.  I do not know who this person is, and I am grateful for the love within them that made the choice to place it there.
What a beautiful reminder that LOVE is the center of ALL people, places, things, nature, animals, sentient and non sentient beings.  We know GOD is the center of All and God is Love so it reasons that LOVE is at the center and there is no circumference.
• Love/God is the center of your neighbor who hasn’t spoken to you in years.
• Love/God is the center of the person in the car who cuts you off on the freeway.
• Love/God is the center of the family member who tries your patience at family reunions.
• Love/God is the center of the co-worker who takes your creative idea and uses it for his or her own.
• Love/God is the center of the person you love who has hurt you.
Love/God is ALWAYS the center, just like the heart of the artichoke.  In order to get to the heart, you have to peel away the spiky ends. It may take awhile, but the more you peel, the softer the artichoke gets and finally you will arrive at the center where the taste is supreme.
How do we get to the LOVE center of people.  By treating each one with kindness, respect,  understanding, patience, encouragement, and acceptance for who they are right now and  KNOWING the good is always within.  When we can see the good, we draw it out.  The heart is exposed and love appears.
Thank you to the person who walked the labyrinth and reminded me, LOVE is the center of All there is.