Spring Has Sprung

I love Spring!  I love seeing the new buds on the trees ready to burst forth in joy.  I love hearing the birds singing and knowing new life is in the eggs in the nest.  Everything is coming alive again!  Nature is such a wonderful teacher.  Everyday can be Springtime in our hearts and lives as well.  Ask  the Divine for a new idea, a new opportunity, a fresh perspective, a spring in your step, and watch what happens.  God placed within you unlimited ideas to create a life of JOY, abundance, love and service. The NEW is ready to emerge within you.
Are you ready?  Are you willing?
CLAIM God’s Springtime of Greater Good  in your life. on a daily basis.    Watch your life bloom!

Happy Spring!

Spring little girl

A Different Perspective


Different perspective
There are times in our lives when we seem to get stuck looking at life as only flowing one way – our way. Many friends and colleagues  ask me to do prayer treatments for a new idea, clarity on an issue, and/or  removal of blocks in consciousness to open up greater good and blessings.  Being close to any situation tends to bring us to “tunnel vision”  thinking and seeing. What if we looked at all situations upside down, backwards or sideways.   I believe God has ALL ways in Mind when an event happens, an issue occurs or situation arises. God sees all the possibilities, all the outcomes, all the blessings.  People who have had mystical experiences say they see “everything at once.”  In our everyday lives, we can begin to open our hearts and minds to see  everything at once.  When someone hurts you, it isn’t just them.  It may be a whole series of events and choices in their life and in yours to bring you both together at that time and place.  Instead of being hurt, be compassionate. One hurts because one  has been hurt.  Remember if you walked in his or her shoes with all the life experiences he/she has had, you would have the SAME CONSCIOUSNESS doing, saying, thinking and feeling the same way.
Ernest Holmes said “Change your thinking, change your life.” Another idea is, “Change your perception, Change the outcome!”
I like to do “circle a word” puzzles. I love to find words whether they are horizontal,, vertical, diagonal or backwards.  Sometimes I just can’t find the word until I take a break and come back to it later.  In any situation, taking a break pausing for moment, leaving the area before saying anything you wish you could take back, is a wise and beneficial idea. When you come back you will have a fresh outlook on the situation.
I also like to find small hidden pictures in a whole picture. Sometimes I just have to turn the page upside down so my eyes don’t “assume” the picture is placed in a certain way. Sometimes the pictures are in the spaces between objects.
When we look at an upsetting event, it will help to step back and look at it as something you need to know, learn, or take action on. The space in the event is the blessing. Claim the blessing, find the good, call it forth, and it will come.

Sometimes you need to look at lifefrom a different perspective.