Following Our Guidance

Young female legs walking towards the sunset on a dirt road

Have me go where you would have me go.
Have me do what you would have me do.
Have me say what you would have me say, and to whom.
Marianne Williamson

Are you living life to your full purpose?

I was with friends on Memorial Day and all over the house there was this quote on pillows, plaques  and even a birthday cake, “Live, Love, Laugh.”  I believe when we are living a life purposefully, we really do live, love and laugh.  We have found what makes our heart sing and our soul soar. Sometimes finding our “purpose” may feel overwhelming, however, it can be as easy as living a purposeful moment in the day.
Every morning  during my prayer and meditation time, I write out prayer treatments.  It helps me set my intention for the day. It keeps me centered and on track.  I affirm the health, wholeness and Divine Plan, for those on my prayer list and what actions I need to take that day in service to Spirit.
It is more than a “to do” list, it is opening to the highest good of all, including me.  Speaking or thinking starts the ball rolling. Writing things down solidifies the intention and purpose.   Once written, I feel FREE!  For I have let go and let God Divinely Orchestrate my day.    I am open to guidance as I live my life momentously.  Some days I accomplish everything. Other days, new guidance comes in and I accomplish other things.  I accept and expect unexpected GOOD Always.  The beauty is, it WORKS!  When I reread what I wrote the next day, I find it turned out even better than I expected!
Live, Love, Laugh and write down what you want daily. You will discover a greater purpose and ways to serve which will bring you more joy than you can imagine.  Remember GOD knows and IS the Divine Design of your life..When you surrender into IT, you are on purpose, living, laughing and loving your life.

Living on a Higher Level of Consciousnes


Dear Friends, You and I are on a spiritual journey together and with every other human on this planet earth. We are all ONE interconnected family of God!  Every action we take will have an affect on someone somewhere and that someone will affect another and another as the ripples of life flow out.  How much of a difference do we want to make here on earth?  Keep our thoughts, feelings and actions on a high vibration of energy will make all the difference in the world! A colleague of mine, Rev. Dr. Kathleen Johnson, wrote about  the  4 levels of consciousness. The question is, which one are you operating at on a daily basis?

The MortalWhy me? – Victim mentally

The ManifesterBy me – Personal efforts to get things done and accomplish goals.

The MysticGod through me – Channel or Instrument of the Divine.

The Master God AS Me – Oneness Consciousness. Knows everything (good and not good) is meant to bless us and is FOR us. Each level sends out a vibrational energy which not only affects those you come in contact with, but also affects you since every thought, word and deed comes back in a continuous circle of life and karma. We are one connected family and for us to change the world, we must begin with our own hearts, minds, and consciousness. Make a difference, Be the Mystic, and Be the Master of yourself in all actions and activities.  You have the DNA of God within you. You are the ONE to change the world! ***



Have you ever been to a pool where there were so many people, all you could hear was  the splashing, screaming, laughing and yelling? Then you dove into the deep end and felt the outer noise disappear.

ocean rough waves

Better yet, have you been scuba diving?  Remember the surface waves and yells from the boat? Then you swam deeper and deeper until you discovered a beautiful, silent world under the surface of the sea.



Ocean deep silencePrayer, Meditation, & Contemplation  is  like diving deep into the ocean where sounds are silent,  and the experience  is breathtaking. Everything becomes clear and the world slows down.

GOD is like the DEEP OCEAN.  God at the deepest level is Profound Peace, Perfect Clarity, Divine Wisdom, and an Elixir of Love ready to pour in and through you.
It is a soothing ointment to any appearance of trouble, worry, fear or confusion. God, as you, is discovered  in this quiet time as you release any thoughts of yesterday, today or tomorrow.  Appreciate the wonders of God. Be grateful you are a beloved expression of God.  The longer you stay in this quiet state of grace, the better you feel and the better your day will go.
Go DEEP today. Be at Peace. Be Free.  BE your best Self.

Wishes DO Come True

You are never given a wish without also being given
the power to make it true.
You may have to work for it however.”
-Richard Bach, Illusions.

I love the quote above.  I believe “wishes,” which are God thoughts flowing within, do come true.  How hard do we have to work to make it happen? That depends on our ability to surrender to the Divine for a perfect outcome.

The Blue Ring 

BLUE ring

There was a lady who really wanted to have a beautiful blue ring. She wasn’t exactly sure the hue or stone, she just knew she “wished” for a blue ring. One day she went out to find it. She was not looking for an expensive ring, just a lovely costume jewelry ring. The first day she went to Target, Steinmart, Walmart and Kohls. No luck.
The second day she went to Macy’s, then Claires.  Claires has the most inexpensive jewelry she ever saw and found a pretty mood ring for about $7.00.  At this point she was tired of looking and decided to settle on that ring.  As she was waiting for the saleslady, a most Divine thought came to her. It said,
“Do you not feel worthy of a beautiful, valuable ring?” That idea really startled her for a moment.  She thought, “Yes, I am worthy, and I don’t want to spend a lot of money on a ring.”
At that point she left Claires and decided to go to JC Pennys. Not expecting to find a ring there, she was mildly surprised to see a lovely costume jewelry ring. It was a size too big, but she thought, “Oh well, I can wear it on a different finger.” (settle for second best?) While  waiting to purchase it, she looked down through  the counter glass and there she saw the most gorgeous BLUE ring. The quality and value was so apparent, She remembered the divine thought.  Was she worthy? YES!
LONG STORY SHORT!  The lady bought the more expensive ring, which made her heart sing and gave her joy!  With discounts and sales, this beautiful $200 ring was purchased for $68.
MORAL of the Story?  TRUST in GOD to make wishes come true.  Sometimes we work hard, but once we release and let go of preconceived ideas, GOD can sweep in and Divinely Time, Orchestrate and Manifest the wish.
Who was that lady?  That lady was me!