Mindful Movement Mindful Walk

Tai-Chi_ People

We look forward to  a wonderful afternoon  of Mindful Movement; learning a combination of Tai Chi , Qi Gong, Tapping, Intention setting, and having a  purposeful Mindful Walk on the Labyrinth.  It is not too late to sign up for either day.

You are invited and welcome to be here.


“The ancient Chinese practices of tai chi and qi gong combine slow, deliberate movements, meditation, and breathing exercises. The routines were not designed to burn calories or raise your heart rate. Instead, both tai chi and qi gong are martial arts that can help your circulation, balance, and alignment. They can also help restore your energy, called chi or qi (pronounced “chee”). The low-impact moving meditations include standing and balancing. Although qi gong and tai chi are excellent fitness activities for beginners and people with health conditions, elite athletes also benefit from doing the slow movements, because everyone needs better balance and muscle control. The postures flow together without pause, making qi gong and tai chi look like slow, graceful dances that keep your body in constant motion.”



“You are taking a pilgrimage of sorts when you walk the labyrinth,” says Phyllis Pilgrim, director of body-mind-spirit and specialty week programs at Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Mexico, In fact, labyrinths have a history of being used for pilgrimages, particularly during times when it was difficult or treacherous to reach sacred destinations. In the past, seekers even traveled labyrinths on their knees, praying continuously.  “I think of the labyrinth meditation as a journey of the heart,” says Pilgrim. “You walk a seemingly convoluted path that ends up at the middle, or the center of your heart, and then you want to be open to what it has to say to you. Hopefully, when you’re through, you’re perhaps a little bit more open to change, and a more peaceful, loving being.” Pilgrim adds that intention is an important part of the process. “You can walk a labyrinth carelessly, just as you can do anything in life carelessly. But if you walk with openness and mindfulness, you’ll learn and make discoveries from the experience. Your heart will teach you.” Lauren Artress, is the founder and creative director of Veriditas, the World-Wide Labyrinth Project, and author of several books on labyrinth meditation  Says Artress, “The labyrinth is a spiritual tool that has many applications in various settings. It reduces stress, quiets the mind and opens the heart. It is a walking meditation, a path of prayer, and a blueprint where psyche meets spirit.”  http://www.ideafit.com/fitness-library/labyrinth-walking-path-heart-  Walking the Labyrinth also benefits ones:health, wholeness, happiness, clarity of mind and calmness of emotions http://labyrinthsociety.org/labyrinths-in-places/3247-benefits-of-labyrinths-in-healthcare-settings


BE Healthy in Heart, Mind, and Body

COME JOIN US on Saturday, February 27th !


The GOD Spot

Where there is peace and meditation,
there is neither anxiety or doubt.
Sir Francis deSales


Dear Friends,
This morning I woke sleepy with thoughts of “I have so much to do….” I felt a bit disorganized and felt a tug to go to the computer and begin my day.  However, at that moment of thought, I had an even stronger pull, gently, coaxingly, lovingly calling me to  my GOD SPOT.  My “Go To” place in the mornings before I begin my day.  It is my sanctuary where I pray, meditate, reflect and read.  I know, like you, so many things can divert us first thing in the morning.  For myself , I know the more I have to do, the more I need to just BE in my God Spot,  for I hear  “I AM That I AM. I have what you need”   As I give into my GOD Call, I sit  quietly and am immediately filled with peace,  ease and relaxation,   The words of my favorite mediation from Ernest Holmes come to me:

Be Still And Know That I AM God.
I am still in Thy Presence.
I am quiet and peaceful, for I put my trust in Thee.
A great stillness steals over me and a great calm quiets my whole being, as I realize Thy Presence.
The heart knows of Thee, O Most High within.
It is still in Thy Presence, and it puts its whole confidence in Thee alone.
In thy Presence I am still.

Just saying those words brings me to my God Self.
I am in my Sweet God Spot and ready for the day, knowing it is Divinely Orchestrated and I move in it with grace and ease.
Now Go to Your GOD SPOT and Be Still and Know that I AM THAT I AM is within you now.


“Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you.”
-Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Love Yourself

Dear Friends,

Valentine’s Day is coming up this Sunday and I want to wish everyone a Happy Day with your spouses, partners, family and loved ones.  This day has always been designated about couples loving one another and I believe that is wonderful.  I also believe in order to have a healthy couple relationship, each person must have a healthy relationship with his or herself first.  Many of us who found our soul mate/love mate created lists of “What I want in a man/woman.”  And generally that has really worked.  I suggest this Valentine’s Day each one of us (married and single) take the time to make a NEW list.
What do I want in ME?   Time to begin a beautiful relationship with yourself!              Time to declare it!
I AM :
Kind, caring, compassionate.
In integrity.
Honest and truthful with myself and others.
Brilliant in the choices I make.
Authentic when I express myself to others.
Considerate and thoughtful.
Courageous and stand up for what I believe.
Brave and will not allow others to put me down.
Welcoming, and yet not a door mat.
Wise and Intelligent.
Beautiful with a sweet personality.
continue with your own words…..
Time to Fall in love with yourself! 
EVERYTHING you want is within you now. As you begin to know the Truth about yourself and feel it deeply, internally and completely, others will too. Others will sense your love and the  sacredness of your Self.
Send yourself a Valentine Card
Send yourself flowers
Treat yourself to a fun day.
If single, go out with friends.
This Valentine’s day is all about YOU, your Greatness, your Wonderfulness,              your Magnificence.
Time to accept the Truth of your being, You are GOD in expression, form and action! What God is – YOU Are! 
NOW give yourself a great big KISS!!!

Baby kissing herself in the mirror



Each one of us is an outlet to God and an inlet to God.
– Dr.Ernest Holmes, Founder of Religious Science

Dear Friends,

As part of my morning meditation and contemplation, I love reading this prayer.  It is the Aramaic version of “The Lord’s Prayer.” After I read it, I ask Spirit, what words or phrases shall guide my life today.  As you read this beautiful version, ask yourself the same question.  You may be surprised what pops out for you, and then what manifests during the day.

The Lord’s Prayer

(Directly translated from Aramaic into English,
rather than from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English)

O cosmic Birther of all radiance & vibration!

Soften the ground of your being & carve out a space
within me where your Presence can abide.

Fill me with your creativity so that I may be empowered
to bear the fruit of your mission.

Let each of my actions bear fruit
in accordance with your desire.

Endow me with the wisdom to produce & share
what each being needs to grow & flourish.

Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind me,
as I release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.

Do not let me be seduced by that which would
divert me from my true purpose,
but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.

For you are the ground & the fruitful vision,
The birth, power, & fulfillment,
As all is gathered & made whole once again.

Received this from the Center for Richer Living www.Richerliving.org

What guidance did you receive?
Is your heart and mind open to hear and feel the presence of Spirit within?
Is today the day you will be more creative in your life and service?
Are your actions in alignment with your God consciousness?
Will you be ready to share words of wisdom to those who call you for help?
Will you forgive and release others from past hurts and mistakes?
Will you stay true to yourself and to the path Spirit is guiding you on, rather than be pulled into the melodrama of the world?
Regardless of appearances, can you see the wholeness and goodness of all?

As we listen to the message of the Lord’s Prayer, it truly becomes Our Prayer.