Contentment Consciousness

KITE FlyingYou will find truth more quickly through delight than gravity.
Let out a little more string on your kite.
Alan Cohen
(April Science of Mind Magazine)

How many times have you asked God, “What am I to do today?  What is my purpose?  How can I serve better, do more, contribute higher etc.?”  I know I am always asking how to serve and do more.  When I read a passage from the Science of Mind magazine Daily Guides, I resonated with the April 25th, 2016 “Energy of Fun.”  written by Rev. Jane Beach.  She wrote,
” If you spend the day blissed-out with your nose in a good book your pet curled up beside you, you contribute peace, joy and serenity to the universe. Remember, you don’t have to be doing something “constructive” to contribute – the vibration of your contented energy is a blessing. Giving yourself permission to just BE is a gift you give to the world.”
Does that ring a bell,  & create an Aha moment for you?
We can do just as much to raise the consciousness of the world by being contented, quiet, slowed down and doing something fun, and easy.  That is a powerful energy to emanate.  Our pets, our mechanical gadgets, the day’s flow and even the weather will respond to it. Whenever you have that feeling of needing to do more, STOP and just BE. Take time to play, find joy, read, dance, sing  and do whatever makes you happy.  The world will  appreciate  your contribution of contented energy!
Blessings and Bliss

We Are Never Alone

Walk never alone

Dear Friends,
I love the early morning fragrance of mother earth, hearing the birds singing and seeing the beautiful trees swaying in the breeze.  Today I decided to walk the beautiful path on the golf course near my house.  It seemed early enough before the workers groomed the grass and golfers were out.   I was in  a bit of bliss when I noticed not too far ahead of me, a coyote.  I stopped and watched.  He was looking around and watched as well.   One coyote is usually not a threat to a human, just small animals. When two coyotes are spotted one needs to be cautious. When a pack is roaming, best to stay clear.
Not knowing how many were ahead I said a silent, “OK God, now what shall I do?”
My eyes were immediately directed to the ground where in front of me was a walking stick, just the right size for me.
I then heard a thunderous noise, looked up and saw the coyote  take off faster than a speeding bullet.  The noise was a worker starting up his truck to cut and groom the grass on the golf course.  I began walking and saying a sweet thank you  to God.  I then noticed several more walkers and a jogger.  How did that happen?  I was solely alone and then completely in company.
I have always had the feeling I was fully and completely cared for, even during the rough times in life.  Even today on my simple walk, I was divinely guided and protected.
I NEVER WALK ALONE. God is always with me.  I know that so completely for myself, I know this Truth for YOU too!
Before I called, God Answered!  Before I even asked, “OK God, now what do I do,” the walking stick was waiting for me, the worker was already in place near by ready to start his tractor, and the walkers and joggers were coming up to be in my view exactly when I needed to see them!

I love God, my Companion and Caretaker Always!
Remember YOU are always cared for day in and day out!


God Knows A Way

GOD has a WAY

April 12, 2016
Dear Friends,
How many times have you said, “I knew that was going to happen!”?  Sometimes you just  knew when something good was going to happen and  something “not so good.”  When you knew something was amiss, or off ,or not good, what did you do? Did you continue to worry and fret about it, or did you change the energy?  What do I mean by changing the energy?  PRAY!  In the world of energy everything is fluid, nothing fixed. I have had many experiences where if I hadn’t prayed for the Highest and Best outcome, I may not be here today.
A simple example  just happened to me recently which continued to confirm my “knowing” we can influence an outcome.
Steve and I were  in charge of a very important meeting last week where we were expecting 26 people.  We were meeting in a new location at one of the churches in the San Diego area.  We planned to be there at 12:30pm to set up meeting tables, food tables, chairs and a PowerPoint presentation for a 1pm meeting.  The person who was to open the door to let us in said he could not be there right at 12:30, and would get there as soon as he could.
The night before I just KNEW he was going to be late, and people would arrive and the doors would be locked right up until 1pm.  This anxious feeling lasted all evening and by the time I went to bed I decided to PRAY.  My prayer was not that this gentleman would be on time, my prayer was to SURRENDER TO GOD’S Outcome of the whole situation. There was nothing I could do physically  to ensure his arriving early, so the  meeting would begin on time.
The next morning during my prayer/mediation time, the THOUGHT came to me, “Get there at 12:30.”
I told Steve and we made sure we got to the church by 12:30.  One car was in the driveway. We came up to the church and the doors were locked.  I knocked and two lovely young ladies answered the door. We told them who we were and what we were doing there. They had no idea we were coming and were not informed about our meeting.  However they were so sweet and gracious, and they helped us begin to set up.  Shortly another man showed up and helped us.  Other people started coming in. ( A bit unheard of in CA when most people arrive late) Tables, chairs, tablecloths, power point and everything was easily done. The man who was to unlock the doors, came in at 12:55,  saw the activity of people and was quite surprised. Needless to say the meeting was extremely energetic and successful!
“God always has a way,
where to human sight there is no way!”
I believe these lovely 2 young women were God’s blessings to us and the answer to my prayer of surrender.
When in doubt, when anxious, when in trouble,  when you know there is nothing you can do, SURRENDER to God and the way and the answer will be made clear and visible.