Dear Friends,
Our involvement and work with the Interfaith Movement has expanded our awareness of life and ways to live in this world of God/Spirit. We have all heard the phrase,
“We are Spiritual beings, having a human experiences.”
Each human experience is seeking to align with his or her True Spirit, the Divine, the God Self whole and complete within. Spirit is forever exposing us to NEW ideas encouraging us to grow in Spirit and Consciousness.
At the Guadalajara NAIN Connect I sat in a workshop on”Healing.” which expanded my mind.
Our involvement and work with the Interfaith Movement has expanded our awareness of life and ways to live in this world of God/Spirit. We have all heard the phrase,
“We are Spiritual beings, having a human experiences.”
Each human experience is seeking to align with his or her True Spirit, the Divine, the God Self whole and complete within. Spirit is forever exposing us to NEW ideas encouraging us to grow in Spirit and Consciousness.
At the Guadalajara NAIN Connect I sat in a workshop on”Healing.” which expanded my mind.
I learned from a Sikh teacher, a beautiful Sikh Mantra that helps to keep the body healthy and whole.
The Sikh mantra for healing, health and wholeness is:
Raa, maa, daa, saa, saa, say, so, hung
The Sikh Teacher said there is POWER in the SOUND when we say this mantra.
After returning home, before my meditation, I pulled a book from my library and found the same mantra in the book Lifting the Veil, Practical Kabbalah.
“This mantra connects you with the pure healing energy of the universe. The healing vibrations help you develop the pattern of Health.”
I also had a book from the Eckankar tradition that explained the HU sound as the sound of God. The Kabbalah book said the “hu” in hung means the “life of God in everything and in every being.” My mind was expanded seeing the connection between these three faith traditions.
The Sikh mantra for healing, health and wholeness is:
Raa, maa, daa, saa, saa, say, so, hung
The Sikh Teacher said there is POWER in the SOUND when we say this mantra.
After returning home, before my meditation, I pulled a book from my library and found the same mantra in the book Lifting the Veil, Practical Kabbalah.
“This mantra connects you with the pure healing energy of the universe. The healing vibrations help you develop the pattern of Health.”
I also had a book from the Eckankar tradition that explained the HU sound as the sound of God. The Kabbalah book said the “hu” in hung means the “life of God in everything and in every being.” My mind was expanded seeing the connection between these three faith traditions.
I heard from the Indigenous Shaman how important it is to keep the mind and heart pure in thought, word and deed, so the body will remain healthy. He said, “sickness is not born in the physical body. It is generated on the mental plane and cured in the astral. Ancient Mayans did not have sickness. Their bodies and minds were clean. Sickness is created by our thoughts, and feelings in the subconscious and also influenced by Karma, and our soul destiny” These ideas were familiar to me since it is similar to what New Thought teaches. Another connection between traditions.
The Chinese doctor shared the importance of Jade and its healing affects on the body. Jade is a mystical and spiritual stone and can be placed on the body where there is an ache or pain. You may put a very TINY piece of jade under your tongue. Breath and concentrate on health.
There is so much to learn outside of our faith traditions.
Keep your mind open and be teachable. As Ernest Holmes said, “Be Open at the Top!”
Keep your mind open and be teachable. As Ernest Holmes said, “Be Open at the Top!”
Keep an Open Heart and Open Mind