What is yours by Divine Right is yours exclusively.
Sometimes I forget this truth especially when I am expecting a call, something in the mail or even when I “lose” something. Nothing is lost, misplaced, or held back from us. Spirit does not operate that way.
The other day I was expecting a check in the mail. It did not come. I did my little hissy fit until I realized that the more upset I became, the less likely the check would arrive. When we are upset about an expected good not manifesting we actually push it away, by our fear of NOT having it. As soon as we KNOW all our good is naturally ours, the fear goes away and the flow is able to stream forth with even more unexpected good. I sat quietly in meditation and “realized” all my blessings, and all the abundant good that is already mine. I appreciated everything and blessed the sender of the check. I released the idea of receiving it on my time and let God handle this detail.
I also know when something appears to be withheld, that may be the time when I need to Give. I sat down and wrote out some tithe checks that were late in sending. After I did that, I really felt a sense of peace and calm.
Later that day I got a call from the person sending the check saying the
This is called the Law of Circulation. We are givers and receivers
The next time you are waiting for your good do this;
Bless it, Love it. Bless the person, Love the person.
Ask “Where is it I need to give right now?”
Align with the Power and Presence, Love and Joy within you. Love and Bless what appears to upset you, and you will continue to be in the God flow of great blessings