Dear Friends,
I love to think we are in the season of LIGHT. The Master, our Beloved Jesus the Christ came to earth to spread Light and Love to ALL people, barring none. This may not be the time in history when Jesus was born, however we have chosen to celebrate his birth, his light, his love and what he stood for at this time of year. We know Jesus the Christ stood for LOVE. It was the sole purpose of his teachings. Without love, nothing works.
There are many aspects of Love and one is Forgiveness. Strife, grudges, and disagreements seem to appear more quickly among families who have split apart on some issue of the past. I hear it and see it within families I know. I often wonder, how did the rift occur? What happened? I know from experience, fully loving another person not only makes changes in one’s consciousness, it makes changes in the other person’s consciousness as well. If there is someone who has hurt me through thought, word or deed, in my morning meditation I see this person in my heart and mind and I am there with him/her. I tell him/her how much I love them and all the good qualities I see in him/her. I picture a loving LIGHT essence surrounding both of us. We are encased in it, feeling it, experiencing it. When I do this, the healing energy begins and soon God provides a way for us to connect, cry and rekindle a loving, whole relationship.
God’s purpose for our lives is to learn how to LOVE. We cannot truly fulfill our purpose in life when we have unforgiveness in our hearts, for ourselves and others. Forgiving ourselves is first and foremost for any misdeeds we have done in the past. Forgiving others is the second. It does not matter who is right or wrong. It is time to step up in High Consciousness and close the gap with anyone who is estranged in your life. When you become vulnerable, ego-less and say, I am sorry, please forgive me, it will be like a boulder has lifted from your shoulders and the glory of the Christ Light shines through. Welcome the tears that will flow from both you and the other person.
It is time. BE the LIGHT, Be the LOVE as God intended you to be for yourself, your family, your friends and humanity.
In Love, Light and Forgiveness,