Thank you Dr. King and Happy Birthday
(Founded by the Association for Global New Thought
and Arun & Sunanda Gandhi)
Dear Friends,
The inauguration is coming up and I have to be honest with you, I am struggling with the change in leadership in our country. I greatly admire President Barack Obama and Michele and their modeling the High Road in thought and action as this change is immanent.
I was reminded one morning while reading “The Daily Word” during my prayer and meditation time, how we are all ONE FAMILY. I know you know this truth and now as our country seems divided I must, and we must consciously hold this idea in our hearts and minds. Here is the excerpt from Saturday, January 14th.
” Our Expanded Concept of Family Includes All People.
The people we call family are united by birth, like minds, or spiritual connectivity. No matter how we define and develop our family unit, we can expand our vision. We are all children of God, linked in spiritual oneness with each other and kindred souls regardless of our cultural or perceived differences.
As with immediate and extended family, we may not always see eye to eye or connect heart to heart. During those times, let’s remember that those who may be the hardest to relate to as family could very well be the people needing our compassion and prayers the most.
Together we are members of a divinely created, universal family.”
The inauguration is coming up and I have to be honest with you, I am struggling with the change in leadership in our country. I greatly admire President Barack Obama and Michele and their modeling the High Road in thought and action as this change is immanent.
I was reminded one morning while reading “The Daily Word” during my prayer and meditation time, how we are all ONE FAMILY. I know you know this truth and now as our country seems divided I must, and we must consciously hold this idea in our hearts and minds. Here is the excerpt from Saturday, January 14th.
” Our Expanded Concept of Family Includes All People.
The people we call family are united by birth, like minds, or spiritual connectivity. No matter how we define and develop our family unit, we can expand our vision. We are all children of God, linked in spiritual oneness with each other and kindred souls regardless of our cultural or perceived differences.
As with immediate and extended family, we may not always see eye to eye or connect heart to heart. During those times, let’s remember that those who may be the hardest to relate to as family could very well be the people needing our compassion and prayers the most.
Together we are members of a divinely created, universal family.”
As God said, “I will live in them and walk among them,
and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
-Corinthians 6:16″
and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.”
-Corinthians 6:16″
The sentence I highlighted helped me ponder the upcoming inauguration.
I personally have a hard time relating to and do not see ‘eye to eye’ with the new president, and yet he too is part of my human family and needs prayer.
Jesus the Christ said we must love God, love ourselves, our neighbors and our enemies as well.
Dr. King said, “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend”
My affirmative prayer for the new president, vice-president, advisers, staff, government and military leaders is:
*Opening of heart and mind to be inclusive and protect the human rights of all people of all faiths, color, culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, women and children.
*Expansion of consciousness to be compassionate and serve the people in the highest and kindest way.
*Putting integrity first and do what is right to help ALL people in all aspects of life (health, education, jobs etc.)
*Building relationships of Trust with countries around the world.
*Choosing the high road in negotiations, working towards a win-win outcome. Choose peace, not war.
*Lastly, just being GOOD, being God on earth. Finding their spiritual core within and leading from the wisdom and intelligence of their hearts.
Consciousness Change and Miracles in Life happen! All is part of the Divine Plan of Spiritual Transformation and Evolution. I believe in IT!
I personally have a hard time relating to and do not see ‘eye to eye’ with the new president, and yet he too is part of my human family and needs prayer.
Jesus the Christ said we must love God, love ourselves, our neighbors and our enemies as well.
Dr. King said, “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend”
My affirmative prayer for the new president, vice-president, advisers, staff, government and military leaders is:
*Opening of heart and mind to be inclusive and protect the human rights of all people of all faiths, color, culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, women and children.
*Expansion of consciousness to be compassionate and serve the people in the highest and kindest way.
*Putting integrity first and do what is right to help ALL people in all aspects of life (health, education, jobs etc.)
*Building relationships of Trust with countries around the world.
*Choosing the high road in negotiations, working towards a win-win outcome. Choose peace, not war.
*Lastly, just being GOOD, being God on earth. Finding their spiritual core within and leading from the wisdom and intelligence of their hearts.
Consciousness Change and Miracles in Life happen! All is part of the Divine Plan of Spiritual Transformation and Evolution. I believe in IT!