Dear Friends,
Time of Trouble – Time of Blessings
One of our beloved friends, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer on February 1st. Rev. John has been serving the San Diego area for 30 years as clergy, teacher, pastor, musician, and singer/songwriter. Steve and I have known Rev. John for years and he has always been a dear friend and colleague. He will begin his chemo and radiation therapy within the next week to ten days.
Rev. John has always taught, “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react and meet the challenge. Whatever the challenge may be.“
We are saddened to hear the diagnosis of our dear friend, and we know his practitioners and friends are continuing to SEE and KNOW GOD is BIGGER than any diagnosis. In New Thought we believe God is ALL there is, in all, as all through all. As Rev. John loved to say, “We are OF God.” God, Spirit, Universal Intelligence, Mind, Creator, Source, by whatever name you wish to call IT, is the essence of all beings everywhere, in all dimensions and universes. At this time we can know this Truth with and for Rev. John and his wife Dr.Connie. Even if you do not know Rev. John, help us in your prayer time to see him healthy and whole, preachin’ and singin’ again with his beautiful smile, positive words, and great voice.
We know when someone we love or care about has health, financial, relationship, family, work, and/or personal challenges there is always a
Blessing embedded within.
Challenges move us forward on our spiritual journey, for ourselves and for those we know going through them. We all have an opportunity to view the situation from a Higher Consciousness which will keep the energy raised where LIGHT and LOVE come through to bring clarity, wisdom and healing in all areas of life.
When we pray let us know the Truth of our Being – One in, as and of God
When we pray, let us affirm with words, thoughts and feelings only the Highest Good for the person.
When we pray, let us see the Christ Presence, Buddha Presence, Mahavir Presence, Babaji Presence and the essence of all Avatars filling every atom, cell and molecule of the person with LIGHT, LOVE, and WHOLENESS.
When we pray, let us Vision the person well and doing what he or she Loves to do.
When we pray, let us release and surrender the prayer to God, knowing the Divine Outcome is already done.
And so it is, Amen
Season for Non-Violence
64 Ways in 64 Days Affirmations
Today, I practice nonviolence and respect for Mother Earth by making good use of her resources.
Today, I take time to appreciate nature.
Today , I plant seeds- plants or constructive ideas.

Visioning for our Country
I see an America that feels safe where everyone knows they have what they need to be healthy, and have all the opportunities to grow and become the perfect unique expression to be the person they are meant to be. Every person will be equally important but uniquely different. America will offer its’ citizens the best G-D intends for all humanity to become. We will be partners in a global fellowship where every country has equal opportunities for its’ citizens to be free and safe. All will want the best for their
unique fulfillment.