Empowered Women of Faith

Dear Friends,
This is a wonderful month to highlight women.   ALL WOMEN have a LIGHT to share and the time has come when we can no longer hide it, or put it under a bushel.  Some years ago I interviewed 12 women of faith, 10 of which said yes to being in my book,
Empowered Women of Faith
In this book, women of 10 faith traditions shared their  biographies, callings, challenges, spiritual practices, balance between family and work, success and failures and their wisdom for change, the future and being mentors and role models for other women making that leap of faith into a religious leadership role.
Julie Iraninejad – Baha’i
Dr. Karma Lekshe Tsomo – Buddhist
Lakshmi Sukumar – Hindu
Dr. Farnaz Khoromi – Sufi Muslim
Dr. Liana Carbon – Peruvian Shaman
Rabbi Karen Sherman – Reform Judaism
Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn – New Thought’
Dr. Jane Via – Roman Catholic
Rev. Margo McKenna – Seventh Day Adventist and Unitarian Universalist
My story is woven in the book as well….
I dedicated this book to all the women who answered the call and Followed Their Heart...by heeding and accepting their Divine Calling in order to share their unique talents, gifts and abilities with the people of their faith traditions and world; those who Broke the Mold…by doing what was necessary to break the patriarchal mold and make the changes necessary to bring forth equality of men and women in their faith transitions.
By recognizing the women who paved the way before them in their faith  tradition, these women of faith made it possible for others to serve God without boundaries and limits and are Paving the Way…by being exemplary role models, teachers, leaders and mentors for our next generation of empowered women faith leaders.
This book is available by emailing Rev. Dr. Abigail Albert [email protected] 
or going on the website:    www.allfaithcenter.org