Dear Friends,
In our New Thought teaching we believe, “There is only One Mind, and that is the Mind of God and that Mind is my mind now.”
We all think into this ONE MIND which means we are always connected. Our thoughts are our ‘focus connections’ with what we are doing, and who we are speaking to. The beauty is, we are connected with those who live far away, and that is why Prayer Treatment works! When we realize our wholeness, we realize wholeness for everyone, and those we are treating for. My mentor, Dr. Juanella Evans always said, “God can never be harmed, marred, scarred, nor injured.” We are God in this form so in the reality of our spiritual being, neither can we.
Taking it one step further, we have the ability to connect with those who have crossed to the other side. People tell me all the time their mother, father or sibling came to them in a dream or gave them a ‘sign’. While walking the labyrinth, Steve’s brother came to me with the message, “We never really leave.” For me that means we are always together, always connected and have the ability to stay in contact whether in the physical or not. My mother came to me in a dream which opened my heart even further and I gained tremendous insight into why she was so unhappy in this life time.
I could feel tremendous love for her.
If you miss a loved one, take a moment to be still, bring up a visual or memory of this person and ask him or her to share a message. The message may come at that moment, or in a dream, a sign on a billboard, or a phone call from a friend.
Nevertheless, there is only ONE MIND, whether you are on this side of the veil or the other side. We are always in the inclusive love, and realm of God.
Be at peace and know, you are never alone and always connected.
Listening with Heart,