April is Multicultural Communications Month

April 3, 2018
Dear Friends,
I love that April is Multicultural Month! Let us celebrate all the beautiful and diverse people living on our earth with us. Being so involved with the Interfaith Movement, Steve and I meet many people of different faiths, cultures, races, ethnicities all the time. We realize everyone is a fellow traveler, in this thing we call life, doing the best they can, just like we are.
Are you in a faith center that embraces diversity? Sometimes centers are so focused on their own faith tradition, there isn’t room to include those not of their faith.
During this month, I challenge you to step forward and offer to create an “Interfaith Outreach” committee to plan various activities to get to know your neighbors.
Some suggestions are:
Bring in speakers to share about their faith traditions.
Plan an interfaith potluck to get to know another faith community near you.
Work together on a social issue or charity project.
Show movies such as “The Sultan and the Saint” to promote understanding.
When we work, eat and play together we make a stranger, a friend.
Remember, everyone is a child of God. Everyone is an emanation of the most High God. We all have God DNA in us. We are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. We are connected at the Source, our Creator. We are one family.
Get to know your multicultural and interfaith brothers and sisters. See the Face of God in each one. You will be blessed.
Loving the Oneness,