Pay it Forward Wave of Good

Dear Friends,
April 21st is Earth Day. I reflected on Mother Earth in my meditation this morning.
I felt so appreciative of this creative Mother Soul that holds us all on her loving ground.
It reminded me how holy the ground is, as we walk on her.
Do we pay attention to all the beauty that springs forth from her? Do we appreciate all the trees, flowers, plants, shrubs, bushes and water?
Mother Earth gives us food and nourishes every living thing.
I view beautiful hills and valleys behind my house and I am so grateful I have that view. It uplifts me in my morning prayers. With the news and all the drama and happenings on
this planet, she calms me after a busy day.
She supplies the path for me to walk, or ride on. I feel loved by her and in turn I love her.
How can we acknowledge our gratitude for Mother Earth and the living things close to her?
Pickup any trash you see as you walk by.
Pick up snails slowing moving on the street and place them softly on the ground
and grass. Thank her for her beauty and place where you are standing, walking or riding
(car or bike).
Recycle and begin to use more earth based cleaners and supplies.
Remember Mother Earth is a living breathing soul created by Source and here only to benefit ‘man-womankind.’
Let us be KIND to her. Hug her trees. Love her beauty. Care for her gently.
Loving our Mother,
Dear Friends,
It is Spring! I love this season. Even in California, we have our “winter,” maybe not as severe as the mid-west or east coast, however we still have a change in weather.
I love to see the tulips, the lilies the lilacs, the jacaranda trees and all the new growth blooming. Even the air smells good. Spring is the time of the year where we can start anew, and bloom again.
Where is it you would like to start anew? I am sure there are times in your lives when you “wished” you had said something, done something or been someone better.
Now is the time! You do not have to BE the old you. You can BE the NEW you.
It is like cleaning out closets in the Spring only it is cleaning out Consciousness. It is letting go of what no longer serves you. An old Consciousness based on fear, unworthiness, and sadness only holds you back. Being unforgiving blocks your good as well.
Ernest Holmes said,
“Change the consciousness and the false condition will disappear.”
What ever it is, it is time to Spring Clean Consciousness, and change those old tapes, thoughts and feelings. Allow the fresh air to blow in and breathe in the flow of love, wholeness, goodness, growth and God’s blessings
Lovingly Blooming,