Dear Friends,
CHANGE is the only constant in the Universe. In the past weeks, I have been with people who are experiencing major changes in their lives:
Moving from one house to another, different city, different state.
Being layed off from a job they love.
Looking for a new job.
People passing out of our lives, either by leaving the area or moving on to the other side.
Committees, teams changing and learning new ways to work with different people.
Unexpected house and car repairs/replacement
Unexpected health challenges
And much more…
One thing I know for sure is, everything is meant to bless us. Our attitude and perspective really begin to create the next rung on the ladder. We have to trust when we let go of one step, there is another step waiting for us. God’s Will is to Bless and Prosper us.
If we get stuck on the same old merry-go-round, Spirit will find a way to move us or push us off. Nothing stays the same and we are meant to progress and evolve into our greater and higher Selves. Sometimes it feels like we are kicked in the pants or hit by a 2×4. These new experiences are not meant to be “bad,” just a wake up call for us to make some changes in our lives and evolve into a greater vision of ourselves.
When we are in this changing process, it is a great time to VISION for what we really want next in our lives. Dr. Michael Beckwith shared his ‘Life Visioning Process ‘ in the“Science of Mind” magazine this month. Even if you have not had a change in your life lately, and yet feel a bit dull and purposeless, try the Visioning Process. Your inner God guidance DOES KNOW what you want and need. Allow it speak to you.
Life Visioning Process Steps to take:
“Find a quiet location and meditate to calm your thoughts and activate your intuition.
Remember, Absolute LOVE is always given, not earned. Know and accept Divine Love only wants the best for you!
Ask your Higher Self.
What is the Highest Vision of my life? What seeks to emerge in, through and as my life?
What must I become in order to manifest this vision?
What must I release to manifest this vision?
What talents, gifts, skills and qualities do I already possess that will serve this vision?
Give yourself a sacred heartfelt YES, trusting more shall be revealed.
Be grateful and know your Vision is already taking place and in form.”
This is a beautiful process to use at anytime in your life. Change is Good. Surrender to a Higher Vision of your life. Be it and embrace it. The Universe is always saying YES for your Highest and Best!