Too often we forget, the power of prayer.
I am not referring to begging God for something
or making bargains with God…I’ll do this if you do that etc.
Prayer is the instant connection we have when we acknowledge God as all good and the Source of our being. We are the essence of God and God is All of us. As we speak our word, there is an instantaneous connection and response. There is a knowingness in God, in you, in me. As Eric Hansen sang, “Our Thoughts are Prayers…”When we are in need, all we have to do is recognize God already KNOWS what we have need of.
“Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear”
(English Standard Version Bible)
We cannot hide our thoughts from God, for we are Spirit and prayers are stating our truth, our faith, our acceptance that what we affirm to be ours, is ours, and/or something better. Knowing the Divinity we are, takes away the fear of lack, limitation or unworthiness.
God never limits us. We limit ourselves.
God never wants us to be lacking. Our words and our beliefs create our lack.
God never wants us to feel unworthy? God created YOU and God is NOT unworthy.
TimeĀ to restate your prayers.
Trust you are a Spiritual Being having a human experience.
Be clear in your focus and vision of what you want.
Have faith your affirmative prayers are heard, acted upon and outcome already done.
We are co-creators with God, creating our life and our experiences.
The more we say we “don’t have” the less we will have.
The more we say we Have Everything we need and more, then it will be so.
Change your thoughts and words from “I want, to I have,’ and ‘I can’t to I can!”
A famous quote by Dr. Ernest Holmes is,
“Change your Thinking, Change Your Life.” Try it. It works!