Whole Perfect Complete

Dear Friends,
I was reading the July issue of the Science of Mind magazine this morning and a wonderful example of our Spiritual perfection was written by Linda M. Potter, RScP. Her topic was how we are all born WHOLE and perfect, regardless of how the human body may look or feel.
She said,
” A hologram is the perfect metaphor for how this works. When you cut a hologram of a rose in half, each half contains the whole rose. If you cut that same hologram into eighths, you will end up with eight complete roses. If we think of God as a hologram, no matter how many pieces IT is cut into, each piece, no matter how small, is a complete, whole picture of God. We are born whole and remain whole regardless of external circumstances.”
What a beautiful description of our God Selves. We are all whole and perfect parts of the WHOLENESS of God. When we do prayer treatment we go to our place in mind, heart and consciousness which only sees and knows that ROSE, that GOD SELF is always whole, perfect and complete. When we KNOW the Truth of our Being, it manifests! No matter how young or old, big or small, we are all parts of the ONE WHOLE GOD.
All There Is, Is GOD
Everything God is, is within us, complete and perfect.
Ernest Holmes said, we are not healed ( we are already perfect). The wholeness and health are already within us. When we know the truth, it is revealed.