Be an Instrument of Peace

Are your nerves frazzled with all the political and natural disaster events happening?
The air and ethers are filled with this crazy energy and everyone and every thing is being affected. Each one of us is an AGENT of Change, A VESSEL of Light, an INSTRUMENT of Peace.  Let us each make our Divine contribution to LIFE; human and animal, plant and planet, water and air and our beloved Mother Earth.
Just BREATHE in the breath of God, hold, and release any anxiety.
B   Behold Beauty and Bountiful Good in everyone and everything.
R   Relax with a favorite activity.
E   Experience an Easy, Effortless, & Excellent day. Treat for it, See it, Feel it.
A   All is Divine and All is God.
T   Thoughts create.  What peaceful thoughts are you thinking and creating?
H   Help someone today. Doing an act of kindness makes you feel good.
E    Embrace Diversity and uniqueness of all people.
Be God’s Emissary today. You are the Light, you are the Peace we need in this world.
Instrument of Peace – St. Francis of Asisi
Where there is hatred, let me bring love
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith
Where there is falsehood, let me bring truth
Where there is pain, I’ll comfort you
Where there is silence, let me sing praise
Where there’s despair, let me bring hope
Where there is blindness, let me bring sight
Where there is darkness, let me bring light
And with these words I speak
Grant that I may not so seek
To be heard but to hear
To be consoled but to console,
Not to be seen, but to see
To be loved but to love
For when we give love we will receive
When we forgive love, we’ll find reprieve
It is in dying we’ll be released
Make me an instrument of peace


September 11,  2018
Dear Friends,
Today is a Day of Remembrance, a day we mourn for those who perished in the terror attack on the Twin Towers and planes over New York.  We pray for those souls and for the family and friends left behind.
REMEMBRANCE is a beautiful word. At this time I want us to REMEMBER who we are and who the souls are, who passed on before us.  We are eternal spirits having a journey on earth as part of our eternal life.  Ernest Holmes wrote, and became one of our beliefs,
“We believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.”
Those who have gone before us to another life and another journey are never really gone, they are forever expanding. Many of us have had experiences where we have been given messages by our transitioned loved ones in a dream, as a sign, as a thought. We can still communicate, only in a more subtle way.  Steve’s brother Larry, came to me while waking the labyrinth, and he said, “We never leave.”  Let us REMEMBER, no one ever really leaves, we change form, change residence, change dimension, change vibration, however we never leave.  We are eternal souls created by God
Prayers of Love and Blessings are always appreciated by those still here on earth and by those in the heavenly dimensions. Our thoughts, prayers, words go out into the ONE MIND of God and are always heard and received.
To all those who have chosen to go before us, we bless you, we love you, we open our hearts and minds to you, knowing you are eternally alive, well and with us.
Always Connected,

Push the barriers, Ride the Whale


Dear Friends,

We just watched a wonderful movie called
“Whale Rider.”
This is about how the old ways, the ancient traditions need to change in order for the Maori people to again feel proud of who they are, and where they came from. The ancient tradition has always had men Chiefs leading the tribe. In the movie, a grandfather tries endlessly to teach the young men of the community the ancient ways, and to find the next chief, but to no avail. Each appears to fall short of the leadership role. However, in the background is a young girl who wants to learn what all the boys are learning, so she watches and practices in secret, until she is caught. Her grandfather ostracizes her and she feels unworthy. Luckily her grandmother is loving and continues to let her know how much she is loved.
The Maori people have a long established connection with whales and at one time in their past, chiefs were able to call the whales and ride them. In the village there is a huge statue of this belief. In the movie, for some reason, the whales beached themselves and the community could not seem to help them move back to the ocean. Once everyone had given up, the young girl goes over to the leader whale and starts talking and singing to him. The whale stirs and moves and she climbs on his back. The lead whale is able to move back into the water and the other whales follow. Much to the community, and the grandfathers surprise, they see her “riding the whale” out into the ocean. It was at that moment the grandfather’s eyes and heart were open to the truth. His granddaugher, whom he had berated, was the future leader of the Maori community.
Long story short the girl rose to the surface when the whale dove. Not sure how she got to the hospital, but she survived, and the whole community was alive in spirit, with a new hope, and proud again of their tradition.

Here is the point. Tradition has its value, however in order to grow, learn and transform there must come a time in our lives when we need to reevaluate what has been done in the past and surrender to a NEW IDEA, a new way of being. We can’t move forward in God’s Divine Plan for our lives, the lives of our family, friends, community and world until we surrender to a Higher Calling. Jesus said, “I myself can do nothing, it is the Father/God within me doing the work.” The grandfather pushed to do it his way, when God had a greater plan. God’s plan is always inclusive. Exclusivity is man’s doing, not God’s.
We must always be OPEN at the TOP to God’s Greater Plan. We know we are going in the wrong direction when all the doors of opportunity close and/or we push to ‘make something happen’ when it won’t.

In your morning prayers, meditation and treatment say, I Let go and Let God.
Really mean that!!! Write down or say what your intentions are, visualize them, then say
“All this and/or something greater.” When the Greater shows up, ask God, “Is this it?” You will get an answer, a sign, a door opening, a phone call with a wonderful opportunity. You might just find the person you thought had nothing to offer is your hope and salvation.

BE God’s Instrument of Good, of Change and Transformation for now and the future.
