Dear Friends,

We had a wonderful time at the ANTN (Affiliated New Thought Network) Conference last week. It felt good to reunite with beloved friends, and be spiritually fed. The conference was at the beautiful Unity Village in Lee Summit, MO, about 45 minutes outside Kansas City. We had a chance to laugh and cry as our hearts cracked wide open making way for more light and love. We loved being with our “tribe.”

Our lives are all about Spiritual Awakening and Transformation and using the Gifts God has given us. One morning I was reading in the Daily Word about letting go and being transformed. One of the steps in our Spiritual Mind Treatment is to “Let Go and Let God” and know the Divine Outcome is at hand. There was a phrase in the magazine that shined a new light on this idea. It said,
“I let go into the transforming light of God within.” It took me into a deeper understanding of God within. ‘Letting go and letting God’ now seemed like letting go of a balloon flying into the sky. This ‘Letting go to the God Within’ reminded me of who I am.
I am God on this earth. I am a Divine Idea. I am God individualized. So when I LET GO, I let go knowing I AM handing this prayer to ME, my God Self who knows all, is all, as all.
I release my human ideas to make way for my God ideas, and the Will of Spirit within.

Daily Word October 13
“I take my place in this global spiritual process of awakening and do my part. Every encounter I have with others, no matter how small, is turning the tide and transforming us all. I make a courageous choice on behalf of all of my sisters and brothers and for my soul. I awaken to the unfolding of my being and put that awareness to work in my world.”
“I let go into the transforming light of God within.”

Blessings, Abigail









“Wherever you go looking for ME
I’m already always by your side
I’m not in sacred places
I’m not in temple idols
I’m not in solitary retreats
I’m already always by your side.

I’m not in temples or mosques
I’m not in the Kaaba, not in Kailash
I’m already always by your side.

I’m not in austerities, not in meditation,
Not in feast, not in fasts
Not in rituals laid down in sacred texts
Not in yogic exercises –

Look for ME with passionate sincerity
I’ll be beside you immediately.
Kabir says: Seeker, listen to ME-
Where your deepest faith is, I am.

( taken from the Unity Magazine, October edition)

I was reading the Unity magazine and was so taken with this poem by Kabir. It reminded me how humans are always trying to find the BEST WAY TO GOD. The poem, like the New Thought belief says, where you go, God is there. Why? Because GOD is you.
God as Spirit, Divine energy, intelligence, wisdom, love, knowledge is in every atom, cell and molecule in your body.
I have a lovely meditation chair where I sit in the mornings. There are times when I am stressed and I feel, I have to go sit in my chair, because it brings me comfort. That is all well and good when I am home, but what if I am out running errands, on a trip, in a plane, at a grocery story. The poem is a wonderful reminder we can pray and meditate in mind and heart wherever we are. All our thoughts are prayers, and all are heard no matter where we go.
Another favorite quote is, “There is no spot where God is not.” Even in the midst of heartache and sadness, God is in us, with us and flowing through us. We do not have to go on retreats to “find God.” God is right here with us in our own homes, at work, in the car, and wherever we choose to go.

God Always in, as, is me,