Dear Friends,
We are into our second week of the New Year. Many of us have attended Burning Bowl Ceremonies (letting go of what no longer serves us) and White Stone Ceremonies (choosing a purposeful word for this year.)
What I also like to do is create a new VISION Board. 2019 is a clean slate. As we start over in the new year, we can write and/or picture a new story for us. Instead of only words, we create with images, photos, and magazine pictures. Someone said,             “A picture is worth a 1,000 words.”
When we SEE something it tends to stay in our conscious mind more than when we read words. As we begin to put together a Vision Board, remember our subconscious mind is taking it in and beginning to move forward creating what we choose. Our subconscious does not know reality from imagination. Shown are a few Vision Board examples I found on the internet to share with you.

When you have cut out all the pictures you think you want, place your hand over your heart to see if you really want it. What are your feelings telling you? Do you really want it? Remember to say, “this or something better.”
Add a picture of a spiritual symbol that has value for you; a faith symbol, the picture of an avatar or master teacher, etc.
Add color, to make the photos POP and feel alive to you. Start off the New Year with fun, color, pictures and faith. Look at your Vision Board each day and affirm you already have it. Keep your affirmations in the present tense. Saying “I will have it,” only pushes the energy out in the future, never to manifest in the present.
Happy Vision Boarding!!!