VISION the Positive

Dear Friends,

I just finished a wonderful book, Becoming, by Michelle Obama. It is her life story from birth to present day, and the years during Barack Obama’s Presidency. There were times it brought me to tears thinking, we had such a dedicated, ethical, compassionate, devoted man in the White House. He loved his country and he loved his family. Both Barack and Michelle worked together to bring our country to its highest consciousness and best for ALL the people, and the world. I cry because we do not have that today. It saddens me to see the divisiveness, prejudice rearing its ugly head in so many ways. Each day, as I watch the sun rise, I know it is a new day, with a new light permeating the globe. I pray the Spiritual LIGHT begins to shine and change those who would rather hurt someone else, than begin to understand them. I pray the LIGHT erases the darkness of bias towards people of color, country, ethnicity and gender. We just had the Women’s March and the March honoring what Dr. Martin Luther King stood for. I am happy so many people participated. On another note, it is sad we still have to make our voices heard in this way, because the wheel of change is moving so slowly.
At this time in our earth development I believe we should be feeling like brothers and sisters of the earth, not of a particular country, origin, gender, or race, but because we are here and are meant to work, play, share and eat together.

When I attended the Parliament of World Religions I felt we came close to the way God has intended us to be. People from all over the world, all colors, races, genders, wearing beautiful faith and ethnicity attire, were talking, laughing, listening, and eating together. For a few days, it felt like all was right with the world. Unfortunately when we came home, we had to come back to reality.
In the book, Becoming, Michelle quoted Barack,
” You may live in the world as it is, but you can still work to create the world                 as it should be.”
Barack Obama was an incredibly positive person even after all the unjust words berating him by our leaders and others.

Right before the 2016 elections, we had a labyrinth walk, and those attending wrote down their vision for the United States. I want to share two with
you again.

“I see America as a more unified, peaceful and prosperous country with a new awareness of caring for all. I see our new president as a person who is sensitive and aware of the needs of our country, and who can do what needs to be done to make the government work and to operate with the highest good in mind. I ask that our leaders be lifted to a higher, finer vibration of powerful insight, compassion, intelligence and love in order to take our country in a direction that will benefit not only the U.S., but the world. I pray that our new president, and our government, will work together peacefully and successfully for the good of all. I pray that whatever happens, all Americans will unite in peace, brotherhood, and that the children of America will inherit a highly functional, renewed government.”

“I see all people being taken care of – food, shelter, medical needs. People who have experienced earthquakes, floods, hurricanes etc. will be helped by our government. All children will have access to medical attention, schools and food. America will consider all of its citizens to be equal. Americans will show compassion to each other without regard to race or economic status. Americas will respect each other’s religions. Americans will help and honor each other and treat each other with dignity and respect.
Americans will look for the good in each other. Americans will look each other in the eye and honor our differences and what we have in common. We are all connected.”

Let us keep our hearts and minds FOCUSED on what we TRULY WANT.
Be the LIGHT in the darkness. Let’s create the world we know it can be.

Staying Positive,