“All God’s Creatures Have a Place in the Choir.”

I received a lovely story from my friend Judy, and I would like to share it with you. It appeared in the Daily Dodo paper on May 24th.

People Are Touched By Man’s Act Of Kindness To Dragonfly
During Baseball Game

The Daily Dodo, May 24, 2019
People Are Touched By Man’s Act Of Kindness To Dragonfly During Baseball Game
Photo Credit: Special to The Dodo
Earlier this week, Reddit user “Nic” attended a major league baseball game with a few friends in Cleveland, Ohio — but the most memorable part for her, by far, actually had nothing to do with sports.
There, they witnessed bromanity at its finest.
It was a very windy day that day and, as Nic and her crew settled in to watch the game, they noticed a certain someone was in a battle against the breeze.
“There was a massive dragonfly flying around our seats,” Nic told The Dodo. “I distinctly remember saying to myself, ‘What a good workout that miniature aircraft is getting in all this wind … What a powerhouse!’ The dragonfly was definitely working very hard.”
With the stadium packed with people, it seemed at first that the weary insect would be unable to find a safe place to rest her wings. But, as exhaustion set in, she evidently decided to take a risk — coming to land atop the leg of a man sitting in front of Nic.
Turns out, the tired dragonfly had picked the perfect person to be her perc
Rather than brush the bug away, as most others might, the man remained calm, composed — and remarkably accommodating.
As inning after inning passed, the dragonfly stayed there relaxing. All the while, her new friend saw fit to make her feel welcome.
When everyone else in the crowd surged with excitement during the game, the man with the dragonfly on his lap stayed pretty much still, as to not jostle the little creature away.
At one point, as Nic looked on, a beer vendor appeared for folks to fetch a drink from. She then heard the man in front of her call out: “I’d gladly take a beer, but only if you can come to me. As you can see, I can’t move right now. This little guy is having a rest.”
“He was genuinely interested in the dragonfly’s well-being,” Nic said.
This adorable little scene continued for about half the game. It was around this time that the winds had finally calmed enough for the dragonfly to take flight again and carry on her way — rejuvenated, no doubt, thanks to the man’s kind gesture.
“When the dragonfly finally flew off, we all noticed,” Nic said. “There was a collective, ‘Ahh.’ Especially from the man himself.”
Sure, to some people, insects might not be deemed worthy of compassion, or even a second thought. But witnessing someone who clearly feels the opposite is something Nic will never forget.
“The man did such a simple act of friendship to a small creature and didn’t ask for anything in return,” she said. “It made me smile and still does.”

Let us be kind to our feathered, fourlegged, furry, winged,
water bound and scaled friends.
*Pick up a snail off your driveway, so as not to run him over.
*Take time to watch a butterfly land on one of your flowers.
*Avoid killing a bee. We need them to pollinate our flowers and
plants alive.
*Stop to hear a bird sing. Appreciate its voice and beauty.
*Help a stray dog find its owner. Keep an extra leash in your car.

There is a song on the CD, Celtic Thunder, with words from the chorus:
“All God’s Creatures have a place in the choir
Some sing low and some sing higher
Some sing out-loud on a telephone wire
Some just clap their hands and paws or anything they got now….”

From the Daily Word June 2019
“I bless the animals of the earth and strive to care for and nurture each one.
I remember that they were each and all created by God. Each one has been imbued with life with which to express itself fully. The world would not be complete without each of God’s creatures. They help to make this world the diverse place it is.”

What’s In Your Wardrobe?






What Is In Your Wardrobe?
Dear Friends,
I don’t know about you, but I know there are times when I just can’t seem to choose the right outfit to wear, or at least it takes some time. When I get to that place I remember the words of the Master Jesus;
“Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ “(English Standard Version).
Most of us are blessed with an abundance of clothes, and really what we wear makes no difference to anyone else. In fact most people hardly notice, care, or even remember what you wear on any occasion. This came to mind when hearing Joel Osteen on the TV one Sunday morning, talking about this very idea.
What we wear on the outside, makes no difference, it is what we are wearing on the INSIDE that matters! What is in your wardrobe on the inside of you?
Are you wearing peace, positivity, joy, love, happiness, compassion, integrity, helpfulness, support, service, givingness? These are the internal wardrobe clothes that matter. People can see them, feel them and respond to them. These are the clothes that we need to BE every day.
When we wear ‘joy’, we lift someone up.
When we wear ‘support’, we encourage a friend, family member
or fellow worker.
When we wear ‘love’ we uplift the heart and soul of everyone.
It does not matter what you wear on the outside. It only matters what you wear on the inside. WHO you are is shown magnificently in your personality and character. People SEE the real you on the inside coming out as an authentic being showing up on the outside. WHO you are is God in Action.
What clothes in your wardrobe are you wearing today to benefit the world?
Wearing Compassion,
Abigail and Steve








Dear Friends,

We had a wonderful ‘World Labyrinth Day Walk’ last Saturday
We brought in the afternoon with Ivan Jr. hitting the gong and our Kinship Prayer that honors all faith traditions and exemplifies what we all have in common. We know our core values all embody peace, love, compassion, sacred giving and forgiveness. We talked about these values in our circle. We walked to enhance these values for ourselves and for the world. For we know when we imagine the world as good, the good begins to show up in our own personal world. Goodness ripples out like a drop in the pond. It is felt by all and affects all. We know what we are thinking about we bring about. Our thoughts on love and peace create an energy/vibration around us that not only reflects who we are, it attracts what we are.
PEACE, from the book, ONENESS: Great Principles Shared by All Religions.
The Peace That Passes Understanding
The peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus.
His mind becomes calm. His word and deed are calm. Such is the state of tranquility of one who has attained Nirvana through the realization of truth.
He who has inner joy, who has inner Gladness, has found the inner Light.
He has become one with infinite peace.
For them will be a Home of Peace with their Lord: He will be their Friend, because they practiced righteousness.
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: the Lord lift up his countenance to thee, and give thee peace.
Those whose hearts are in a state of calmness give forth a divine radiance by which they know truth.
Today, BE the Peace that Passes Understanding.
Respond to another person’s bad behavior with peace.
Anger escalates, Peace soothes.
We always have a choice to respond in a High way.
BE that person in all you do, and for everyone in your life today.
Let us pray, we all evolve into greater Peaceful beings.

Abigail and Steve