What’s In Your Wardrobe?






What Is In Your Wardrobe?
Dear Friends,
I don’t know about you, but I know there are times when I just can’t seem to choose the right outfit to wear, or at least it takes some time. When I get to that place I remember the words of the Master Jesus;
“Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ “(English Standard Version).
Most of us are blessed with an abundance of clothes, and really what we wear makes no difference to anyone else. In fact most people hardly notice, care, or even remember what you wear on any occasion. This came to mind when hearing Joel Osteen on the TV one Sunday morning, talking about this very idea.
What we wear on the outside, makes no difference, it is what we are wearing on the INSIDE that matters! What is in your wardrobe on the inside of you?
Are you wearing peace, positivity, joy, love, happiness, compassion, integrity, helpfulness, support, service, givingness? These are the internal wardrobe clothes that matter. People can see them, feel them and respond to them. These are the clothes that we need to BE every day.
When we wear ‘joy’, we lift someone up.
When we wear ‘support’, we encourage a friend, family member
or fellow worker.
When we wear ‘love’ we uplift the heart and soul of everyone.
It does not matter what you wear on the outside. It only matters what you wear on the inside. WHO you are is shown magnificently in your personality and character. People SEE the real you on the inside coming out as an authentic being showing up on the outside. WHO you are is God in Action.
What clothes in your wardrobe are you wearing today to benefit the world?
Wearing Compassion,
Abigail and Steve