Diversity and Inclusivity







Dear Friends,

How inclusive are you? We talk about ‘inclusivity,’ and how we are against those who display racial or ethnic prejudices, sling slurs and say hurtful remarks. If we are really inclusive, we also stand with our LGBTQIA friends, our immigrant/refugee friends, and those who do not share our political views. In our New Thought Spiritual tradition, we believe there is only ONE GOD, One Spirit, One Mind, One Heart, One Essence, One LOVE that lives, moves and has Its Being within, and as us. In Spirit there are no differences to be found, because we are ONE.

I was reading an article about ‘Radical Inclusion’ in the June Science of Mind magazine, featuring Rev. Karen Fry and Rev. Dr. Petra Weddes. These are two ladies who came out declaring they were gay. It was difficult for both, however the center they lead “celebrates diversity and invites inclusion.”
How beautiful! Even in our inclusivity, we tend to label people, the immigrant, the Muslim, the gay, the person of color, the conservative,
the liberal etc. Dr. Petra said,
“I seriously work to identify myself as the Divine Self, the I AM That I AM. At the end of this life, at that point, I’ll no longer be white, blonde, female or gay, but I will still be
the I AM That I Am.”

In the end, when we leave this world all our identities will not matter. It will not matter what religion we follow, what color we are, what gender or preference we have, or what political views we have. What will matter is, how we lived our lives and showed up as the I AM THAT I AM. The Mighty I AM Spirit expresses through all people. As humans we are given a choice to express God being God or not. Are we expressing God as kindness, compassion, love, generosity, encouragement, and joy?
Or are we expressing the opposite? The qualities on the inside are far more important than the looks on the outside. Our qualities and consciousness are what we take with us when we move to the other side. It is what we have done here on earth to enhance humanity that will matter.

Dr. Petra says,
” We are not inclusive of every idea.
(You do not have to agree with everyone)
We are inclusive of every person! ”
(Agree or disagree, everyone has a place at our table).

Today, take an inventory. How inclusive are you?
Are you ready to go past the outer and look at the inner consciousness of people and see all of them as God beings? Everyone has the potential and everyone at some point in their eternal lives, will achieve it. That is our goal and that is our destiny.

Today BE your true self, BE the I AM THAT I AM and watch your
world change.

Loving Diversity & Inclusivity,
Abigail and Steve