Change is the River of Life

Dear Friends,

Change happens!
In the past few months we have heard from friends, colleagues, acquaintances and business associates that they are moving into new positions.
A minister friend retired, another is looking for a new position, one found a new church home and a cantor, as interim minister, had to leave her position and is looking for a new synagogue. Our banker retired, our investment adviser now lives in Oregon and is commuting back and forth. Some friends have moved to new homes. In the past few years our primary doctor changed and our dentist changed. We keep telling our wholistic doctor, he can never leave! ha ha. Ladies, you will appreciate this, my favorite makeup has changed and new bottles now hold my favorite hair products. And the list goes on. Whew!
This reminds me of a RIVER, the river of life. We all come from the same Source and yet our lives flow in different directions, making changes along the way, just like a river has to adjust its direction depending on the landscape, flowing over, under and around rocks, boulders, and trees etc.
When we can view our life as a river and know there will be rocks, boulders and trees in our way, as well as twists and turns depending on our choices, we can view it from the perspective of Spirit. All is well and so are we.
Our lives are meant to change. We can never be the same person today as we were yesterday, and that goes for everybody. Our thoughts, feelings and experiences shape our day, and our life. The Daily Word affirmation said,
“I am flexible yet strong in times of change.” Keyword- “flexible.”
How flexible are you in times of change? Can you flow like the river or are you trying to put up boulders and damns to stop whatever is happening in your life.
Have FAITH, and Bless the Change. It helps us learn and grow spiritually.
NEW is good. NEW is fresh. NEW brings us a different perspective.
Change Happens, all is well.

Flowing with ease,
Abigail and Steve

Let the Universe Be Ambitious For You

Instead of being ambitious yourself, let the universe be
ambitious for you.  You relax in to the space of being who you are supposed to beand doing what you are supposed to do and let the universe take it where the universe wants
to take it.
Marianne Williamson


I enjoy reading the Science of Mind magazine in the mornings. This particular Daily Guide caught my eye with the quote by Marianne Williamson (see above.)
“Instead of being ambitious yourself,
let the universe be ambitious for you!”
To me it is another way of saying, relax, surrender, let go and let God
(Spirit, Mind, Cause) create the outcome.
How many times have you been disappointed with the outcome of an event or circumstance in life? It just didn’t go the way you wished or wanted it to.
This past week, Steve and I were looking forward to seeing some wonderful friends who were only 1 1/2-2 hours away. It just seemed their CA vacation schedule and ours did not match. We even tried to Facetime with them, and that did not happen. When things like this happen, we must realize, we have a choice, to be disappointed or allow the Universe to provide what is best for us
at the time.
Cheri and Ben Jamison wrote the July Daily Guides and July 16th said.
“Spirit is in charge. Things fall into place when it’s meant to be
or metaphorical doors close when it’s not.
If you try to force, you will likely be frustrated.”
We have a choice, to try to MAKE things happen the way we want them to, or allow the universe “to be ambitious,” and create the way, which will only benefit us for our highest good. We can still do our prayer treatments, visualize, and vision for what we think we want, then we must release all our wants and needs and allow the Universe/God/Law/Spirit take over. In the end,when one door closes, a new door will open and be wider, more apparent and easy to walk through.
Stop being ambitious for yourself.
Let the universe be ambitious for you!

Letting go,

Reconcile with Kindness

Dear Friends,

I had an interesting lunch meeting with a person from my past, who wanted to apologize to me for his past actions that caused me harm and heartache. I had forgiven him years ago, however he was in need to reconcile his past deeds.
He told me he knew all the things he did wrong and was very sorry. I appreciated his candor and his need to make things right. I know it was not an easy thing to do.

We cannot change the past, nor can we forget it (see quote above). We can learn from our mistakes, gain knowledge and insight and then more forward.
I moved forward years ago, and now I think he can move forward as well.
I am not just talking about actions or deeds. I am talking about consciousness.
I am a better person. He is a better person.
Isn’t that why we came on earth? We are here to right past wrongs, work out our Karma, forgive, reconcile and learn to love unconditionally.

Every action we take, must be one of love, kindness and/or forgiveness.
Every deed must be thought out to possible consequences of our actions.
Every time we seem to fall short, we must forgive ourselves and ask others to forgive us. When we truly see each person through the eyes of Love (God), we move forward in consciousness. This ripples out and affects everyone around us and the world.

Do you want the world to be better? Start at home, with those you know, and/or love.

Remember the Butterfly Affect.


Happy Independence Day!

Dear Friends,
Today is our Independence Day and we celebrate our Freedom!
Whether you watch fireworks on a hill or stay home and watch them on TV,
say a grateful prayer for the principles on which this country was founded.  Every time I meet someone from another culture or country, he or she has a story of not having the same kind of freedom we experience.
This past week, Steve and I went to a United Religions Initiative Conference. “Accelerate Peace: Interfaith Action in Global Peace Building.” at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. We met people from all over the world;
South Africa, Ethiopia, India, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Bosnia, Jordan, Israel, Nigeria just to mention a few besides  Canada, Mexico, UK, Europe and the US.  There were at least 400 in attendance.
These beautiful people, no matter their circumstances,  are devoted to bringing a new world of interfaith peace building, love, justice,and change to their country.
Our topics of discussion were:
Daily Interfaith Cooperation from Dialogue to Action
Voices for  a World Free of Nuclear Weapons
Ending Religiously Motivated Violence
Building a Culture of Peace, Justice and Healing for the Earth
      and All Living Beings
Women’s Empowerment
Environmental Sustainability
We are blessed to live here, in spite of our politics right now.  Let us be thankful and let us pray for the Divine to inspire our leaders to do the right thing, be honest, live in integrity and realize they are in service to the American people and to maintain our rights as people of this nation.
One of our New Thought beliefs is:
“We believe the ultimate goal of life to be a complete freedom from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.” 
Let us pray, believe and see this for everyone around the world. Here are some of our new interfaith friends from around the world.