Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Friends,
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone.  I love thanksgiving.  I love the time we spend with family and friends. I love planning the meal with my children and then asking them if there is anyone else they would like to invite to the table.
Most of the time we celebrate and share our gratitude with only our family.  This year we have the joy of celebrating with one of my daughter’s friends and our neighbors. I always like to think, whoever is at our table is our family.
In truth we are all ONE family in Spirit as our parent and creator.
This year at your table remember people in your family may have different opinions than you, and may express them. How will you react? Be grateful they are alive and with you.  God never intended us to think alike, look alike or be alike.  If you disagree, be grateful there is a place where you can agree to disagree.  Listen to others opinions, share yours when necessary without trying to change the thinking of others in your family.
This year at your table remember all people everywhere as your one extended family. These will be people of a different race, faith, ethnicity, culture and gender preference. Be grateful for the diversity God has created for our spiritual growth and consciousness of unconditional love and inclusion.
Enjoy the holiday.  Take time to breathe, before and during the busyness of preparing for the day.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Abigail and Steve

Faith Footsteps and Finally Letting Go








Dear Friends,
Many of us faithfully pray; for others, for situations, for peace, for the world and for ourselves. In New Thought, we often say, “Treat (prayer treatment) and Move Your Feet.”  And so we do.  There are also times we tend to forget that Treating is also moving energetic, Divine Feet.  God, Spirit, Creator, Love, however you wish to call our Source,  hears ALL and acts upon our prayers immediately. For many of us, the answer to our prayers doesn’t seem to come fast enough. 🙂   When we pray and ask for Divine Timing, Divine Order and the Divine Outcome, we need to step back and really allow the Divine to fulfill the prayer request/affirmation.
This past week  I heard stories about three friends who are going through situations, and all seemed to have delayed answers and outcomes.
1. A minister  friend of ours was praying for a new head of their Pre-School. Prayers and the footsteps  were taken to send the request out and interview likely candidates.  At the final interview each potential candidate, called and said they found another job. Two weeks before the pre-school leader retired, a  new candidate called. She said she will be moving to San Diego. It took her that amount of time to realize a move was necessary and the church job was what she really wanted and was qualified for.  She is also a very spiritual person which fit perfectly into their tradition.
God is always working in the background making sure the right person is available at the right time.
2. Another minister friend is looking for a new Spiritual home.  The lease is up in January and they will no longer be able to stay in their present location.  Many of her congregants were doing the necessary footsteps and many possible places were seen. None met the Vision they had for their new church/center home.  This minister realized she needed to release and let go of all attachments to the outcome.  She felt like they were pushing hard to make it happen.
I told her I was absolutely sure the right and true spiritual home will present itself at the right time and way.  Time to let go and let God BE God and bring forth the new home for their congregation.
God is always working in the background making sure the right spiritual home is available at the right time.
3. One more wonderful story with the right and true outcome.  A friend of ours needed a specific surgery.  This person has suffered for at least 13 years and now this revolutionary surgery was ready and had been previously performed successfully by this one doctor.  Thirteen years may seem like a long time, however, I know God had already picked out the right and true surgeon.
This doctor possibly needed to finish his medical schooling, internship and brilliantly create the new procedure.
God is always working in the background making sure the right doctor is ready, able and equipped to do revolutionary surgery at the right time
for the right people.
Have FAITH,  do the necessary FOOTSTEPS, then RELEASE,
Let Go and Let God. The Divine Outcome will be better than you can imagine!
Faith in the Outcome,
Abigail and Steve

Beauty is a Brain Boost

November 12, 2019

Dear Friends,

Steve and I were invited and honored to attend a NAIN (North American Interfaith Network) Connect Intensive Visioning Retreat in Boulder City, NV this past week.  We were immersed for three days in the most amazing creative visioning experience. Thirty-five of us gathered from Canada, USA and Mexico to look at our history of interfaith work, restructure, redo, rethink what needs to be done now, and Vision for 15 years into the future.
Gard Jameson opened his Nevada Foundation home to us with many spaces for large and small group dynamics as well as acres of beautiful gardens, a labyrinth, statues of blessed prophets, angels and sacred beings from all faith traditions.
The NAIN group was also invited to attend a Shabbat Service at Ner Tamid Synagogue on Friday evening, a choir performance and Taize service at the Center for Spiritual Living in Greater Las Vegas, and an Interfaith Council Forum at a Mosque on Sunday.

We all were using both our left and right brains. Our logical and creative sides were equally balanced, and Divine Wisdom and Intelligence flowed through each of us easily even when we had spent hours in small and large group work. Why?  I believe it was because we were in such a beautiful place. When our left brains began to drag, all we had to do was look outside, take a walk out onto the property and fill up with God’s creation of gardens and immense panoramic views. Many of our small group sessions met outside so we had the benefit of the beauty while working.

Many of our great inventors, scientists and mathematicians always said it was in nature where they received their greatest ideas.

Are you in the middle of a dilemma, or facing a problem, challenge or issue where answers have not been revealed yet?

If so, GO OUT for a walk in nature, sit by a tree, smell some flowers, walk on the beach, come walk our labyrinth. Listen to music.  Allow your mind to BLISS OUT and just BE.  Allow your brain sanctuary time.  The most wonderful Divine downloads can happen when you least expect it.  Dreams are a wonderful way to receive Divine Ideas.  Meditation is an awake Divine download.   We cannot live our lives in a 24/7 mode.  We must give ourselves time, space and freedom from paper, pencil, computers, phones and TV.

Attitude is Everything

Dear Friends,
Attitude is EVERYTHING!
We were talking with a friend of ours the other day, and she was sharing how one week in her life, everything seemed to break or fall apart.  Her washer broke and flooded her floor. Her computer broke down, Ipad didn’t work and her cell phone went crazy. Being a business woman, this was critical. In spite of all this she decided to affirm:
Everything that happens is ENJOYABLE!
Wow!  She said she knew she was ABLE to find JOY in spite of all the happenings.  As soon as she affirmed, things started to get better.  Her husband fixed the washer and she got help with her devises.  All returned to normal.
Looking back on our lives this past week, we can say…
Everything that happens is ENJOYABLE!
Our power was shut off last Wednesday around 9am due to the high wind condition and chance of fire. Both Steve and I were working on our computers when it happened.  I called SDGE on my cell and they said we would not have our power back till Nov. 1st (2 days without power).  Steve and I looked at each other and we knew we had enough food, water, and blankets for these chilly nights. As the day wore on, I thought we needed to get my car out of the garage in case we had to leave quickly.  Good thing we checked, the string broke that releases the automatic latch to the garage.  Steve was able to find a thicker rope to tie onto the latch, and it worked.  I was able to drive my car out.  I then decided to put in two plastic bins with important papers in my car.  It was relatively easy pulling things together.  I even packed an overnight bag. We went through our emergency equipment box and found a battery am/fm radio.  We were able to get some news. The whole day provided us time to rethink what we needed to do and supplement our emergency box.
In the afternoon we sat out on our balcony in the sun even though it was quite breezy.  We began appreciating all the things we had.   I said, Jesus calmed the waters, we can calm the winds with prayer.   So we prayed.
That night we played cards by votive candle light and read by flashlights.
The next day we decided to go out for breakfast, then pick up what we needed to restock our supplies.  Luckily we conserved water the day before, so our hot water heater had enough hot water for two short showers.
By the time we got home, our neighbor met us and said,
We were ABLE to ENJOY our day regardless of circumstances!
I believe with our attitude and with our prayers, the winds died down and no fires began in our area.
Thank you God for all the Good in our life!
Enjoying it all,
Abigail and Steve