Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Friends,
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone.  I love thanksgiving.  I love the time we spend with family and friends. I love planning the meal with my children and then asking them if there is anyone else they would like to invite to the table.
Most of the time we celebrate and share our gratitude with only our family.  This year we have the joy of celebrating with one of my daughter’s friends and our neighbors. I always like to think, whoever is at our table is our family.
In truth we are all ONE family in Spirit as our parent and creator.
This year at your table remember people in your family may have different opinions than you, and may express them. How will you react? Be grateful they are alive and with you.  God never intended us to think alike, look alike or be alike.  If you disagree, be grateful there is a place where you can agree to disagree.  Listen to others opinions, share yours when necessary without trying to change the thinking of others in your family.
This year at your table remember all people everywhere as your one extended family. These will be people of a different race, faith, ethnicity, culture and gender preference. Be grateful for the diversity God has created for our spiritual growth and consciousness of unconditional love and inclusion.
Enjoy the holiday.  Take time to breathe, before and during the busyness of preparing for the day.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Abigail and Steve