Dear Friends,
We are certainly in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holidays.  One thing we need to remember is holidays really mean “Holy Days.” We are in the midst of Holy Days and everything, everyone and every situation is part and parcel of these Holy Days.
The Course in Miracle says (excerpt from Rev. Andrette Earl, SoM Magazine)
“When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him/her, you will see yourself. As you treat him/her, you will treat yourself. As you think of him/her, you will think of yourself. never forget this, for in him/her you will find yourself or lose yourself.”
Each person we meet is a Divine Encounter and we stand on Holy Ground, creating a Holy situation.
When we take a moment to breathe  and bless the car before we turn the ignition, it creates a holy essence and energy as we drive.
When we breathe and bless the store we are about to enter, it creates a holy essence and energy as we shop.
When we breathe and bless all the people ahead of us in line, we create a holy essence and energy in the store and the people feel it and tension lessens.
When we breathe and bless the store clerk, who may be harried at that point in the day, we create a  holy essence and energy that reaches out to her/him and she/he feels a sense of comfort.
Let us BE THE GIFT this season. Let us be the Holy Encounter for others by keeping our heart and mind in unconditional love wherever we are and wherever we go.  SMILE and let your Love and Light SHINE.
Being the Gift
Abigail and Steve

Gift of Mary and Joseph

Dear Friends,
Dr. Steve gave the sermon message at The Unity Center in Mira Mesa on Sunday, December 1, and his topic was “The Gift of Mary and Joseph.”  It was the first Sunday in Advent.
“Advent comes from the Latin ‘adventus’ meaning arrival.  So we are in the period of spiritual preparation for the arrival of Christmas.
The Advent time is also the time when we look back at 2 teenagers who listened to their inner voices to prepare for the creation of something wonderful, a birthing of a Great Soul, a God Conscious being here on earth.  As Truth students, we know Advent is not only a time to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus, it is also a time to honor and celebrate the BIRTH  and development of our Higher Self, our Real Self, our Spiritual Self, our CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.
B – Be Available  and Follow Spirit’s Voice, your Divine Intuition.
I –  Investigate the Possibilities – The Newness in your life.
R – Rework Your Vision Board – Visualize Joy & Happiness in all areas.
T – Travel New Roads – Try Something Different.
H – Hang With Those Who Support You.
Within you is a gift to the world which is ready to be birthed. Within you is a Christ-like idea which will bring happiness to not only you, but to those around you.”  As you begin to Be the Christ, you will begin to See the Christ in All.
Birthing Our Christ Consciousness,
Abigail and Steve