Leap Year this Saturday, February 29th
“February 29 is a date that usually occurs every four years, and is called leap day. This day is added to the calendar in leap years as a corrective measure, because the Earth does not orbit the sun in precisely 365 days. …
This is what we would call a period of eight days.”  Wikipedia
Dear Friends,
Do you ever say, “I just don’t have enough time?”  Well, guess what ….you have ONE MORE DAY this year to complete everything you wish!   HaHa
In reality, you do, since this Saturday is February 29, LEAP YEAR Day.
We have one more day to enjoy life!  What will you do with this extra day?
Will you LEAP into a  PLAY DAY for you and your love(d) ones? Will you go to the park, the zoo, the museum, walk on the beach, see a movie or just take time to have some fun?
Will you LEAP into a  renewed sense of excitement and purpose to accomplish your January intentions, goals and dreams? Re-evaluate, re-invent?
Will you LEAP into cleaning out those closets, and/or garage? What you don’t need or haven’t used in years, may be someone else’s treasure.
Give your gifts away.
Will you LEAP into a brand new project that has been rambling around on your mind for months or years?
Remember, there is ALWAYS time to do what you really want to do. 
Have a wonderful bonus day. Get started and LEAP into it with gusto!!!


Dear Friends,

I love the quote . God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.

God loves us uniquely and individually.  God expressed Its Love by creating us.

I am, and we are created out of the LOVE of God. This Love is already within us to give and to share.

Let us BE LOVE and say “I Am Love.  I Am Love Expressing”

Love is the essence of our being.  Let us remember that idea, especially this Friday, on Valentines Day.

I love the line in the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer that says,

“Endow me with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs 

to grow and flourish.”

We grow and flourish with love.   On Valentine’s Day we of course share our gifts, kisses and hugs with our loved ones.  Perhaps on this day we can go out of our way and extend that love, and BE God Expressing to others as well. Everyone needs to be loved, noticed, accepted, and encouraged.  As you are out with your loved one, notice who might need an extra smile, a friendly word.  If you are out to dinner, tip generously, don’t complain about a meal not up to your expectation. Remember our servers are working on the day they would probably rather be with their loved ones. Smile and say thank you.

Other ways to be Love Expressing:

Open a door for someone at the store,

Talk with the checkout person. They are people with lives too.

Say hi, smile and say thank you  to the person who is pushing the carts back to the store.

Call a friend and tell them how much you appreciate them.

Go out with friends who do not have companions.

REACH OUT and people will reach out to you.

Be creative and ask Spirit, ” How can I be your loving expression to all I meet?”  We know what goes around comes around. Call it Karma, call it the Law of Attraction, call it the boomerang affect.  It works.  For your wonderful outward expression of love and kindness, don’t be surprised when a flurry of love and blessings return to you

GODS Love is first. Without IT, we could not love.  As the scripture says,

“Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all else will be added unto you.”

Seek and Express the Love of God within, and Love will rebound to you.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Much Love to you,

Abigail and Steve