Thank You to Our Heroes

Dear Friends,
In the daily newspaper, there are highs and lows .  The lows are the articles about who is affected by this coronavirus, and the HIGHS are the attention and praise given to our Health Care Workers, and First Responders who are putting their lives on the line everyday to help heal patients and contain this virus. We as a collective consciousness are finally recognizing they are the TRUE HEROES .
Educators and teachers of all grade levels are also being applauded for going above and beyond their call of duty and service to youth. They too are TRUE HEROES!
Have we finally gotten our priorities straight!!!?  
For years I have  not understood why athletes are making millions of dollars to play a game or actors receiving millions of dollars for a TV show or movie. Fans and companies are willing to spend that kind of money on the players, and actors, when people in service to others are making minimum wage and/or modest wages.  An average nurse makes $26.75 an hour and a particular reality show star makes 78 million a year.
What is wrong with this picture?????  Our TRUE HEROES are those in service to others.
Being “Seniors,” Steve and I are staying at home to “help” in our
way by adhering to the quarantine rules, and only going out for food.
We also are connecting in many ways with family and friends over zoom, Facebook and phone.
I recently decided to put a sign  in the front of our house to say ‘Thank you’ to our healthcare workers, first responders and essential service workers.
I have noticed walkers and joggers pause a moment when they pass the sign.  I hope it inspires them to give these wonderful HEROES
a silent thank you as well.
We cannot come out of this world epidemic the same way we went in.
Our priorities need to change.  
We must support those whose altruistic goals is to serve humanity in the
   most high conscious ways.
* Our compassion must be wider and greater, which includes people in
   all countries, animal rights and humane treatment for all.
* Our understanding of our complete connection and oneness with each 
   other and mother earth must rise up and direct our lives. 
* We must listen to our scientists, as well as having faith in God.
   Those two go hand in hand.
* Let us put our MONEY where it benefits the spiritual growth,
    intelligence  and loving kindness of humanity.
In Deep Gratitude to our True Heroes,
Abigail and Steve

Mother Earth






Dear Friends,
Mother Earth has sent us to our rooms to think about
what we have done.”     Anonymous
There is always a “Silver Lining” in a crisis or tragedy. From what I am reading and hearing, our beautiful Mother Earth is healing and being replenished.  Since the world has been on lock down, cars, planes, and all companies that pollute the air on a daily basis have decreased their harmful emissions.  Read the excerpts from the article below.
China has reported a significant improvement in its air quality.
The skies are blue and sunny these days while they were covered with smoke in normal circumstances.”
“In Venice canals have cleared up. As there is a lock down in the country, boating is banned and there are no tourists around. Swans, dolphins, and fishes are making their way to the waters of Venice.
The water is blue and clear. The apparent cleanliness of the water is not just attributed to a lack of pollution but also to the absence of motorized boats, which normally churns up the muddy canal floor.”
India is also under lock down from the past few days. The reduction in Mumbai Marine Drive has been observed which is due to decreased water traffic. The absence of water transportation has led people to witness a school of dolphins playing in the water.”
“It is the right time to say that our planet would breathe a long sigh of relief if humans were to vanish. But this is not how it should be. We should take the opportunity of this lock down to reflect and see how we can be more organized and live in harmony with nature. ”
“With so many industries shutting down due to the corona pandemic, it is the ideal time for them to brainstorm plans to return more environmentally conscious. If companies would change their plans to consider the environment, this small and reasonably fast, change we are seeing now could continue to change the fate of planet earth.”
Along with our IMAGINING a Higher Consciousness on Earth, let us IMAGINE a  continued CLEAN Earth and our habits of pollution stop. It is truly a time to “clean up our act.”  Mother Earth sent us to our rooms. Let us take this lesson, learn from it, and do and be better.
If not,  Mother Earth may ban us from our earth home in a greater crisis.
Imagining  a Clean Earth,








Dear Friends,
The other day when it was raining and the sun shining, I looked out on our balcony and saw a beautiful, clear, vibrant RA I N B OW.

What a perfect example of HOPE and LOVE in the midst of our crisis.
In spite of the rain, the sun is always shinning.
In spite of the Covid19 crisis, GOD is always here with us,
flowing and moving through us as Divine Intelligence,
Wisdom, Love and Intuition.
An interesting phrase people say when going through a situation,
“Take Heart…”  Yes, let us take heart, take love, take compassion and let this be our new normal, now and when the crisis it over.
When talking with friends who normally go into a work place 5 days a week, they say how nicer it is to be able to work at home.  It is less stress, less interruptions, and they can get more work done.
What if….
the new normal was for business owners and companies to establish a policy for employees to be able to work part time at home.  I can see this helping families with children and keeping people healthy by not having to come to work when a cold symptom presents itself. There would be less cars on the road half the time as well.
What if…
the schools set up a policy for students to be home schooled half the time  and half on campus.  This would be an option for parents who can do this.
What if…
our leaders, both Republican and Democrat finally came together in bipartisan leadership to really address the needs of the poor, the uninsured medically and unemployed. That would be a Miracle and I am a believer in miracles.
From my Spiritual Sister
“My intent prayer and vision for a New World:
-People are awakened to our interconnectedness with all of life, that we are all truly ONE…we interact in the world from that knowingness with compassion, connection and cooperation.
– Each person shifts from the mind to moving into one’s Heart in all
thought and action.
– Heart-to-heart connection from one person to another person, growing
and spreading across the planet.
– Congruency of mind, body and spirit, augmenting physical healing
of the body.
– We open ourselves to Grace and grow in Consciousness, experiencing
and expressing unconditional Love.
Carol D.”

Blessings and Imagining!

Local Online Events


YOGA and Compassion Practice
Are you feeling lonely, anxious, stressed, sad, afraid, or isolated? You are are not alone. The coronavirus outbreak has required us to be physically separated from each other – but thankfully we can still be connected and present in each other’s lives with the help of technology. We want to personally invite you to plug in to our all-online ministries below.
Practice yoga with us from the comfort of your home!
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:45 PM
Compassion Practice
Tuesdays at 7 PM
Trained facilitators will guide us in practicing open-hearted sharing and nonjudgmental, compassionate listening based on the Compassion Practice developed by Frank Rogers, Jr. Incorporating mindful attention to our internal experience, the Compassion Practice nurtures authentic compassion for others – starting with ourselves.
Two easy ways to be with us virtually for Compassion in the Clubhouse:
1. via videoconferencing –
2. via phone call (audio only) – dial (669) 900-6833 and enter meeting
ID #594402954
We all could use a little self-compassion in this difficult time
For more information contact Rev. Dale Suggs
[email protected]


Free Online Course – Sufi Stress Relieving Techniques
Hi everyone,
I hope you all are well during this time. I just wanted to share with you a free online course the Sufi Psychology Association has put together with physicians, psychotherapists and psychologists to help people through this difficult time. It may be a good resource for friends, family, clients, etc.
Every couple of days a new “lesson” is uploaded which may include a stress relief technique, psychological skill, journaling exercise, reframing tip, deep breathing practice, activity suggestions, etc.  It’s our way of contributing and trying to help out during this time.
The link is below.
Thank you!
Lynn E. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, CSU, Sacramento
Sufi Psychology Association

Yoga Techniques To Strengthen Immunity
“Dear All,
Padma-Shri Dr. H R Nagendra — ‘Yoga Guru’ to India’s beloved Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi — talks about “The Corona Challenge;
and how Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga techniques help to strengthen immunity”.
Here are the links of videos on prevention of Covid-19, uploaded in Guruji’s YouTube channel — for your information and sharing.
Feel free to share these links widely with all — globally — for Universal well-being …

Please acknowledge receipt of this communication and the action taken.
– Dr. Anjali Ghanekar









Dear Friends,
At our POINT Interfaith Meeting  last week (via zoom) we asked each person:
“What are you doing to increase your spiritual health
during this time of crisis?”
Wonderful ideas were presented; laughing at email jokes, keeping a personal spiritual practice, walking, connecting via zoom/ email/ text, Centering prayer, praying for the ill/and health workers, reading inspirational material, walking on the beach, journaling, sitting quietly in church, helping sew masks… and more.
One minister said he is IMAGINING  what he would like the world to look like and BE after the crisis is over. He is imagining a world of compassion for all. We cannot go back to the way we were.
I loved that idea!
I ASK YOU as you read this message today.
“…Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Livin’ life in peace
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed…”
Thank you John Lennon

Inspired thoughts:
“The Divine Ideas stand back of all human thought, seeking admittance through the doorway of the mind.”
(Dr. Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind book)
“Community means seeing everyone as important.”
(Rev. Sally Robbins, April issue Science of Mind magazine)
“I need to let go of all old growth to make room for the new.”
(Rev. Sally Robbins, April issue Science of Mind magazine)
Abigail and Steve