Thank You to Our Heroes

Dear Friends,
In the daily newspaper, there are highs and lows .  The lows are the articles about who is affected by this coronavirus, and the HIGHS are the attention and praise given to our Health Care Workers, and First Responders who are putting their lives on the line everyday to help heal patients and contain this virus. We as a collective consciousness are finally recognizing they are the TRUE HEROES .
Educators and teachers of all grade levels are also being applauded for going above and beyond their call of duty and service to youth. They too are TRUE HEROES!
Have we finally gotten our priorities straight!!!?  
For years I have  not understood why athletes are making millions of dollars to play a game or actors receiving millions of dollars for a TV show or movie. Fans and companies are willing to spend that kind of money on the players, and actors, when people in service to others are making minimum wage and/or modest wages.  An average nurse makes $26.75 an hour and a particular reality show star makes 78 million a year.
What is wrong with this picture?????  Our TRUE HEROES are those in service to others.
Being “Seniors,” Steve and I are staying at home to “help” in our
way by adhering to the quarantine rules, and only going out for food.
We also are connecting in many ways with family and friends over zoom, Facebook and phone.
I recently decided to put a sign  in the front of our house to say ‘Thank you’ to our healthcare workers, first responders and essential service workers.
I have noticed walkers and joggers pause a moment when they pass the sign.  I hope it inspires them to give these wonderful HEROES
a silent thank you as well.
We cannot come out of this world epidemic the same way we went in.
Our priorities need to change.  
We must support those whose altruistic goals is to serve humanity in the
   most high conscious ways.
* Our compassion must be wider and greater, which includes people in
   all countries, animal rights and humane treatment for all.
* Our understanding of our complete connection and oneness with each 
   other and mother earth must rise up and direct our lives. 
* We must listen to our scientists, as well as having faith in God.
   Those two go hand in hand.
* Let us put our MONEY where it benefits the spiritual growth,
    intelligence  and loving kindness of humanity.
In Deep Gratitude to our True Heroes,
Abigail and Steve