Zone of Genius

Dear Friends,
Two of my minister friends gave sermons based on the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks a couple Sunday’s ago. We attended Rev. Irma Forward’s CSL Inland Empire Church via zoom, and I read the newsletter containing similar information from my friend Rev. Dr. Kathleen Johnson, Senior Minister at CSL Delaware. I want to share this important information with you.  As we are still in a “shut down” due to the pandemic, we have the opportunity to review our life and what we love.
If we don’t “get” anything from this pandemic, we certainly “get” how important LIFE is and our place, role and being in it. It is time to re-evaluate our time, our work, our service and our life.  Gay Hendricks says we all fit into one of these categories when it come to our life work. Which one do you fit into?
“1. Zone of Incompetence – These activities are out of our skill set.
2. Zone of Competence – These are activities in which we have competence, however, they do not make our heart sing.
3. Zone of Excellence – These are activities we do well, often offer us a channel of income, and they are in our comfort zone.
4. Zone of Genius – These activities liberate us to express our Divine Creative Genius within.”  This is work we are gifted at and love.”
by Rev.Kathleen Johnson

For me:
1. Zone of Incompetence –
I love a beautiful garden and flowers, however I am not good at gardening so I have many succulent plants and silk plants around.
2. Zone of Competence
I used to be good at playing the piano.  I don’t play much anymore and when I do, I play for my own relaxation and pleasure. I really don’t  like to play for people.
3. Zone of Excellence –
I loved teaching elementary school, I was excellent at it and I brought home a paycheck.
Then I found my genius.
4. Zone of Genius –
My genius is being a New Thought minister working in the Interfaith arena!  It brings me joy when I am with people of all faith traditions and cultures. I love bringing understanding and knowledge to others, through events, programs, guest speaking, newsletters and labyrinth walks.

I believe most of us fit into one of these zones sometime during our lives.  Our goal is to be living, being and functioning in the Zone of Genius.
Our Creator, God, Divine Mind, Blessed Breathe, whatever you wish to call our Higher Power, created us out of LOVE, JOY and GENIUS.
We have that same ability in us. What is it you LOVE to do and are not doing?  Change is taking place all over the world right now, and it is time for us to make the changes necessary to bring joy to ourselves and our loved ones. We know when we are happy, we bring that energy to others.  When we are sad and frustrated with life, we also bring that energy to others and become a ‘downer’ for people. What kind of energy do you want to bring to yourself, your family and others? It is the time to go for something NEW,
an expression you wish to be and share.
“Are you willing to feel good and have your life go well all the time? Does that feel like a BIG LEAP? That’s the point. To fully express our gifts and talents, we must take the BIG LEAP out of our comfort zone and into our Zone of Genius. Why not get willing, and see what happens? “by Rev. Kathleen Johnson
Leaping into Genius,




IAW 2024 will have all these Programs Recorded. We are waiting for each presenter to send us their videos.  Keep checking    and click on the Interfaith Awareness Week button.

Sunday August 11, 2024

2:00-3:30pm—IAW Opening – “Living From Our Essential Goodness” –  Poway Interfaith Team (POINT)

To view Program, go to:  Passcode: POINT

4-:00-5:30 “Interfaith Escondido” – “Bridging Divides: Sharing Heartbeats” – Escondido Together, Verna Sunquest

To view Program, go to:

6-:00-7:30 “From Protest to Policy: Youth Voices in Peacebuilding” – Bangladesh Interfaith” – Global Law Thinkers, Roaman Smita

To view Program, go to:


Monday August 12, 2024

8:00– 9:30am – “Spiritual Diversity in Education” – Deborah Robin Mech

To view Program, go to: 

10:00– 11:30 – The Science of Compassion, and Compassion-Centered Art Exhibitions”  – Jon Kolkin, M.D., President, The Shades of Compassion Foundation –

To view Program, go to: 

12:00-1:30 “Interfaith” Alison Van Dyke, Temple of Understanding, New York

To view Program, go to:

2:00-3:30  “Community Resilience” – United Religions Initiative – Samira Barucija,

To view Program, go to:

4:00-5:30″Connecting the Rising Generation Through Service”Elder Michael Christensen, Elizabeth Christensen

To view Program, go to:

6:00-7:30 Can Western Women Heal The World?” – The Global Women’s Village – Sande Hart

To view Program, go to:


Tuesday August 13, 2024

8:00– 9:30am “Spiritual Playdate Respect Challenge 2024 – “Making Respect Cool Again” Edwina Cowell

To view Program, go to:

10:00– 11:30 ______________________

To view Program, go to:

12:00-1:30 “Arizona Faith Network” – Vasu Bandhu

To view Program, go to:

2:00-3:30 ________________________

4:00-5:30 “Sin, Suffering, and Redemption” – Catholic-Buddhist Dialogue – Interfaith Circle, Toronto Canada, Vivian Kwok

To view Program, go to:

6:00-7:30 “ICI World Pilgrims—Pilgrimage to Vietnam” – Angela Rice

To view Program, go to:


Wednesday August 14, 2024

8:00– 9:30am “Bridging Faiths for a Greener Future: Interfaith Peacebuilding through Environmental Conservation”-  Greshma Raju

To view Program, go to:

10:00– 11:30 _____________________

12:00-1:30 ________________________

2:00-3:30 _________________________

4:00-5:30  “We Rise” – Sandra Campbell, Kansas City

6:00-7:30 “Baha’i Devotional” – Baha’is of Poway California


Thursday August 15,2024

8:00– 9:30am “Connecting Interfaith Thru Media & Events”  – Jacqueline Fuller

To view Program, go to:

10:00– 11:30 “How Food Can Increase Social Interaction” –  Kate Sookhoo, Char Nolan, —Interfaith Philadelphia

To view Program, go to:

12:00-1:30  “ Faith Inspired Social Justice by Interfaith Worker Justice of San Diego County” Rev. Cheri Metier
To view Program, go to:
2:00-3:30  – “
What Color are Your Thoughts?’ A Divine Perspective” Dr. Rev. Ahmondra McClendon, NY
To view Program, go to:
4:00-5:30 “Reclaiming Joy through Nature’s Diversity: Indigenous and Interfaith Wisdom– Rev. Rebecca  Suzik, Indigenous Elders
To view Program, go to:
6:00–7:30 ______________________
To view Program, go to:


Friday August 16, 2024

8:00– 9:30am _______________________

To view Program, go to:

10:00– 11:30 “United Religions Initiative” – Issac S Thomas

To view Program, go to:

12:00-1:30 – “Soul’s Evolution for Tomorrow” – Rev. Dr. Stephen Albert, Poway, CA

To view Program, go to:  Passcode: POINT

2:00-3:30 __________________________

To view Program, go to:

4:00-5:30  __________________________

To view Program, go to:

6:00–7:30 _________________________

To view Program, go to:


Saturday August 17,2024   

8:00– 9:30am _____________________

To view Program, go to:

10:00– 11:30 “Nigeria Interfaith” – Usman Inuwa

To view Program, go to:

12:00-1:30 _________________________

To view Program, go to:

2:00-3:30 “We Are The Hands and Feet of God” –  Yolanda Nava, Los Angeles, CA

To view Program, go to:  Passcode: POINT

4:00-5:30  “Interfaith Music: Sounds that Appeals & Heals” – Ruth Broyde Sharone, CA

To view Program, go to:  Passcode: POINT

6:00-7:30—“Teaching Interfaith Today” – IAW Closing Celebration & Party –

Revs. Drs. Abigail & Stephen Albert, World Interfaith Network

To view Program, go to:  Passcode: POINT







POINT Interfaith Team created a video of
Inspiration, Encouragement, Humor and Service

YouTube Link

Video Slide Presentation!ArO3sYmleR2agZRYu3EUHI68ZTpQJg?e=JocC2E


What’s Your Next Chapter?

Dear Friends,
I love to read and have been reading a lot during our “Stay at Home” time during this pandemic. I realize this whole new life, the whole new episode of our earth history are like chapters in a book. When one chapter ends, another begins.  I believe we are now in the next chapter and evolution of our own life and earth history. Like yesterday, we cannot go back, we must go forward. Endings are just new beginnings in the story
of Life.
F – Finish a project today that will make your life better tomorrow.
O – Open up your heart and mind to a NEW way of living, doing & being.
R –  Read inspirational books and magazines. Keep a high consciousness.
W – Ward off negativity by visualizing the Divine Ring of Protection
around you, your loved ones, your house, car and all you come in
contact with.
A –  Accept the changes taking place and see the blessings offered.
R – Resolve to BE the Best you, and be in SEVA to others.
D – Don’t ever give up on yourself, on your family, friends and humanity.
Good always wins!
All evolutionary jumps in history were preceded by crisis.
What we are experiencing will have blessings and benefits no one can predict at this time in our history.
MAKE today the BEST chapter in your life story so far, and start ‘writing’ the next chapter the way you imagine your life could be.
Loving the Story,
Abigail and Steve

Nothing is Impossible With God

One morning I decided to walk on the golf course path near our house.
The course  is in the process of being sold so maintenance has not been kept up. I had not walked there in many months and was so sad to see how unkempt the grounds were. I walked along the unused golf cart sidewalk, and soon came across a fallen tree. The branches were almost as big as the trunk, and high enough where I could not step over.  I wondered,  should I go back and find another walking path, or find a way around this huge tree? If I go left, I would walk down a hill and have to climb back up again.
Then the “thought” (inner voice, intuition) said look down to the right. It was there I saw the trodden path swerving around this huge tree. I took it and came out on the other side.   I paused for a moment thinking of the significance of this simple tree being an obstacle on my walk.
Various phrases and scripture verses came to me.
Nothing is impossible with God.
God always has a way, where to human sight there is no way.
This walk of mine was a metaphor for our walk of life.  We all come across challenges and situations where we really cannot come up with the answer or figure out the solution. This is the perfect time to STOP, PAUSE  and WAIT for the still small voice (intuition) to lead us to a Divine solution.
It may not be what we had in mine or even wanted, however the Universal Presence and Power that created us all, Knows All and is only guiding us to our highest good.  When we fully believe that spiritual principle we can relax and know all there is, is God, and all is meant for our highest good.
Whenever you come across your obstacle, STOP, PAUSE and WAIT for the Divine Direction to guide you either through it, around it, under it or across it. The road/answer will be made clear.
Nothing is impossible with God.
God always has a way, where to human sight there is no way.
Walking with Possibilites,
Abigail and Steve