White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo
How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi                                                            Waking up White by Debbie Irving

100 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice 

‘White Fragility’ Is Everywhere.
But Does Antiracism Training Work?

The All Faith Center is a founding member of POINT. Rev. Abigail was instrumental in crafting the statement below. The All Faith Center is in total agreement with the statement.
To consort with the followers of all religions in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship.
To increase community awareness and understanding of different faith traditions.
To stand with all faiths for human rights and justice
POINT Interfaith Team is committed to our Mission Statement above.  Although the statement below has been reviewed by Representatives of POINT, it is not permitted for some of our faith communities to make official statements outside of their denominations.
POINT Interfaith Team members are heartbroken about the numerous and continued killings of unarmed black persons by law enforcement officers. The killing of George Floyd and so many others is a horrific reminder that racism continues to have a stranglehold on our justice systems and prevents our nation from fully being the “land of the free”. We acknowledge that most law enforcement officers act in accordance with their pledge to “protect and serve” all people.
We stand with and support BLACK LIVES MATTER. We urge people of faith to vote for officials who have a record of being anti-racist, not simply “non-racist”. Elect those who work towards true reconciliation.
As people of faith, we honor the holy creation of all people, all races, creeds, genders, and spiritual paths. Sacred texts promote peace with justice and therefore we call for serious movement towards peacekeeping over policing. Investing in community programs, education, healthcare and the like reduce crime and strengthen communities.  We exhort each person to examine their own bias, attitude and assumptions and act in ways aligning with the values and ideals they hold sacred. No one can truthfully say “all lives matter” until Black Lives Matter. We are one Human Family and all major faith traditions proclaim, “The Golden Rule”.
POINT Interfaith Team Faith Leaders are dedicated to educating about the historic faith traditions and the dignity of all people. We encourage people to seek out anti-racism events and classes that raise community awareness and move towards justice. We welcome the opportunity to partner with you on such activities.
We pray our nation demands humane treatment for all people regardless of race, nationality, faith, or creed.
We pray the leaders in all structures and institutions dig deep and promote equality and justice in all they do.
Praying for just peace,
Rev. Cheri Metier, President, POINT Interfaith Team
Rev. Dr. Abigail Albert, Executive Director, POINT Interfaith Team
POINT Interfaith Team (20 Faith Organizations, 2 Interfaith Organizations, 8 Individual Members)

Be Open and Listen





Dear Friends,
As you know our passion and purpose has been to bring Interfaith (knowledge, understanding and respect for all faith traditions) to the forefront of not only our community, but the country and the world.  At this time the
All Faith Center has expanded its mission.
We sacredly honor all faith traditions, all races, all cultures,
ethnicities,  and gender identities.
When we stand up for one group of people, we stand up for all people. For in reality there is no separation, only Oneness and Unity.


As I mentioned in an earlier ‘Inspiration’  I was fortunate to be invited to a Baha’i Devotional a couple weeks ago with the speaker (on zoom) Charles Howard.  Charles is the brother of a friend of mine. Charles  gave a heartfelt and inspiring talk on ‘Racial Unity and Justice’. He has 35 years of experience working on Diversity and Inclusion, Social Justice and Sustainable Development issues in communities and organizations throughout the US and various parts of the world.

His excellent presentation is now on Youtube’ 
I encourage you to watch this video.




Right now, many of us are doing what we can to help bring about equality,  and justice for all people of color, faith, ethnicity and gender.  We must also be willing to stop and LISTEN to the life experiences of people who have suffered from injustices. It is so important to sit down and hear their stories.  Begin to open up and understand white life experiences are very different than black  life experiences. Many of us who have listened to stories, exclaim “I never knew, what I never knew!”   We cannot KNOW until we LISTEN. It is time for white America to learn, what they never knew.  White Privilege is inherent and we need to realize the benefits we automatically have, while others do not.  Knowing, helps us expand and create the change we wish to see in the world.
There are  several wonderful zoom programs featured under Local Events to help us understand racism and ways to dismantle it. We all have tunnel vision of some kind.  It is time to open up the tunnel. See more in order to understand more, in order to do more.
Opening and Listening,
Abigail and Steve

Build a Bridge and Cross It






Dear Friends.
We are living in and making history at the same time.  For years our Spiritual community has been affirming for a world that works for everyone.
We see an Awakening of humanity to our Oneness, and a healing of consciousness in body, mind and soul. Right now we are experiencing healing of the body
(human and earth) during the COVID 19 crisis.  We are also healing the mind as we realize we are living in systemic and structural racism.
Our soul is waking up and demanding justice after seeing police brutality.  Why do we as a human race always need to be hit over the head by
a Divine 2×4 in order to wake up, and make a change in body, mind and soul?!!!
On Sunday I attended a Baha’i devotional. After prayers from different faith traditions and beautiful songs, we heard a wonderful speaker,
Charles Howard talk to us about the 400 year history the USA has had with slavery, the Jim Crow era and unconscious racism still alive today.
His sharing of his personal story and his bi-racial family’s story was moving and filled with heart.
He said there are 5 ways we can be part of the solution to help make the changes  we affirm in our prayer work.
1. Stand Up and Be Counted. If you see something, say something, and film it.Race abuse is now being caught on camera.  If you hear people telling
racist or sexist jokes,  tell the people the joke offends you and you do not share that ideology.
2. Re-educate yourself on institutionalized racism.  There are 5x more black men incarcerated than white.  35% are black in our prisons.
Most of those in jail are only there with misdemeanors, and because they are poor, they do not have bail money.
3. Engage and talk with Diverse people (Black Latino, other cultures etc.) Talk about sensitive issues, race, gender. When white people
do not have those conversations, Black people assume they do not care.
4. Black reality and black life experiences are different than whites.  White reality is not black reality. White moms don’t fear for their
sons when they walk out the door. Black moms always are in fear for their son’s safety. Have in depth conversations on life experiences to
gain deeper understanding.
5.  Help build bridges.  Promote  relationships across race lines. Building close friendships and associations will help break barriers and build bridges.
We are all God’s children.

Please listen to this beautiful song I heard at the Baha’i devotional called
“ROSE GARDEN” by Gary Sterling. 
From Ernest Holmes:
“We are each an outlet and an inlet to God.”
“It is impossible for a man to conceal himself. In every act, word or gesture, he stands revealed as he is, and not as he would have himself appear to be.
From the universe nothing is or can be hidden.”

Building & Crossing Bridges,
Abigail and Steve

Take Action & Stop Racial Injustice

Dear Friends,
I have been heartbroken these past two weeks seeing and hearing all the brutality happening between peaceful protesters and the police, not to mention witnessing the brutal chokehold of George Floyd. I felt like I was in another nightmare on top of the COVID 19 pandemic.  We as a human race really have to stop and look at how we got to this place at this time in history.

As horrible as COVID 19 virus is, it made us STOP and stay home and the outcome is, the earth is healing.  As horrible as the death of George Floyd is, it is making the USA and the world STOP and demand humane treatment of all people. After the brutal murder, I could not believe how police were still hurting innocent people with tear gas and rubber bullets.  I am hearing stories from black cops saying how many new police officers are anxious to go into the poorer black communities and “Kick butt.”   Our investment advisor is an incredible, intelligent black man full of integrity and intelligence.  As a young man he never drove in LA  because he was always stopped and frisked. Police are here to “protect and serve,”  not stop and frisk just because they see a black person walking or driving.  This has got to STOP! We need  to demand better recruiting tactics and psychological testing of these young people going into law enforcement.   We cannot allow the systemic structure of how police academies train their cadets in use of these tactics. Take ACTION and WRITE your local police station!
Another problem, I have heard, is the “gang” mentality of the officers. Good or bad, they will protect “their own.”  This must be reviewed as well in all police departments.  I read the good cops do not want their names soiled by bad cops.  I believe that.  Every institution does not want it’s name muddied by criminal behavior.  Like the COVID virus making us stay home and clean our house.  These horrible events of racial injustice is telling our systemic institutions (police, education, banks,  real estate agents etc) to clean house.
Our White prejudice and racist actions have been around since our country was formed.  It is time to CLEAN our Country’s House/Consciousness.
Ask yourself in complete honesty,  is there anything I am thinking or saying that is racist? Do I say anything when someone tells a racist joke?  Do I laugh or do I take ACTION and tell them to stop.
I do know there are excellent police officers with a conscience.  I hope you read the letter from Jason, a police office, from last weeks newsletter. We need police like him.  The brutal killing of George Floyd would not have happened if someone like Officer Jason had been on the scene. We applaud the men and women in Blue who have a heart and do protect and serve.

There are excellent peace activists.  In Louisville, a police officer was stranded in a protest, and 5 men linked arms to protect him from the advancing angry crowd.
One of the men, Matt Stone said, “Nobody knew anybody but we just stood up and did that,” he said. “If the officer was black we would’ve done the same thing. He’s somebody else’s son. He’s somebody else’s loved one.”
These men took ACTION.
Here is a link for
“75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice.”
Find one or more that touches your heart.
Take ACTION and DO IT! .


Our hearts and prayers go out to the family and friends of those who lost friends and family due to unnecessary and cruel treatment by a police officer.
We need a bottom up change in our inherent racist culture, structure and systems.
White people must bear the lions share of systemic change and bring an end of
the prejudice and bias in all areas of life; law enforcement, education, government
and more. Please read:  ‘105 Things White People Can Do to Bring Racial Justice’
under “Discussion.”

Bring in a new consciousness of LOVING ONE ANOTHER.

We must also eliminate unnecessary hatred of “the other.” All people are loved unconditionally by God. All faiths are valued and valuable. God has no favorites.    “There are no stepchildren of God.” (Jeff Olsen)

YOU Are the Light

Dear Friends,
My favorite time is when I am sitting in my meditation chair watching the sun come up. I can feel the LIGHT shining on me and coming towards me.
There are mornings when it is so brilliant I almost need sunglasses to sit there. I just close my eyes and let the Sun LIGHT wash over me and through me.
It is like a Beloved friend I can always count on. Even when it rains, I know it is there. I begin to feel ONE with it. It is in the feeling of
LIGHT flowing through me I know that God loves me. I equate GOD with LIGHT, One and the same. It is like an “Inner ZOOM Meeting.”
The Divine LIGHT within YOU, can never bedimmed or desecrated.
The Divine Light is WHO YOU ARE and is constantly seeking expression in and through you! In the book Emissary of Light, James Twyman says,
You use the shirt just as you use the body. When you are finished using the shirt you set it aside.”
In the Untethered Soul, Michael Singer says, “You are the one who is inside looking out in the world. YOU are more than your body or thoughts.”
The Buddha said: “God almighty (Brahman) resides within all humans as LIGHT. We can meditate on HIM within and that long search for the Creator
is at last over, ending within ourselves. 
When a candle is lit, it can light up other candles.”
Jesus said. “I AM the LIGHT of the world.” He was saying the Mighty I AM  in him is also in YOU.
You Are the Light of the world.
How can God/LIGHT show up for us, as us?
I want to share with you 4 ways:
God/Light as Intuition
I receive my best inner guidance when I am quiet in meditation and when I am walking in nature. I am always lead to calling a friend when their
face pops into my mind, saying YES to an opportunity even when I am out of my comfort zone, and doing something outside the “to do” list of the day.
I listen, I follow.
God/Light as Healings
Light is our True Essence. When we realize the Divine is within us, see and feel this inner light, we can tap into the God essence of who we really
are and declare our body as whole, perfect and complete, because it is, always has been and always will be.
Afffirm: There is only One Life/Light, that Life/Light is the Life/Light of God That Life/ Light is perfect and that Life/Light is my Life/Light Now!
God/Light as Protection
Before my day begins I ‘imagine’ a white light around me, around Steve, around our cars, house, property, all of our family and friends, and expanding
out before me wherever I go. Picturing a white circle around my car on the freeways keeps me safe and anyone getting too close will automatically drop back,
move into another lane or pass me.  I surrounded our house with this white light during the 2007 fires and our house remained standing.
God/Light as Endings…..Leads to New Beginnings.
God walks with us, in us, as us, through us and all our experiences in our human life and beyond. During this pandemic we are experiencing the ending of the
old way of life, as we prepare for a new way of life, a new human consciousness.
On a personal note, years ago, our church was named Child Centered Church and when parents wanted a church to reflect them as well, we evolved into The Family
Spiritual Center. During that time the landlord raised our rent so high we needed to find another space. We went from  meeting in a community center,
to meeting in a variety of faith centers.
As our emphasis grew on understanding the world religions, our name changed again to All Faith Center.  Every ending has a new beginning that leads us
forward into our spiritual growth and understanding.
Every “NEW change’ is meant for our highest good.
TRUST in God, as you in Life.  You are the Light of God, the Light of Life.
BE it, because you are It!!!

Living as Light,
Abigail and Steve