Build a Bridge and Cross It






Dear Friends.
We are living in and making history at the same time.  For years our Spiritual community has been affirming for a world that works for everyone.
We see an Awakening of humanity to our Oneness, and a healing of consciousness in body, mind and soul. Right now we are experiencing healing of the body
(human and earth) during the COVID 19 crisis.  We are also healing the mind as we realize we are living in systemic and structural racism.
Our soul is waking up and demanding justice after seeing police brutality.  Why do we as a human race always need to be hit over the head by
a Divine 2×4 in order to wake up, and make a change in body, mind and soul?!!!
On Sunday I attended a Baha’i devotional. After prayers from different faith traditions and beautiful songs, we heard a wonderful speaker,
Charles Howard talk to us about the 400 year history the USA has had with slavery, the Jim Crow era and unconscious racism still alive today.
His sharing of his personal story and his bi-racial family’s story was moving and filled with heart.
He said there are 5 ways we can be part of the solution to help make the changes  we affirm in our prayer work.
1. Stand Up and Be Counted. If you see something, say something, and film it.Race abuse is now being caught on camera.  If you hear people telling
racist or sexist jokes,  tell the people the joke offends you and you do not share that ideology.
2. Re-educate yourself on institutionalized racism.  There are 5x more black men incarcerated than white.  35% are black in our prisons.
Most of those in jail are only there with misdemeanors, and because they are poor, they do not have bail money.
3. Engage and talk with Diverse people (Black Latino, other cultures etc.) Talk about sensitive issues, race, gender. When white people
do not have those conversations, Black people assume they do not care.
4. Black reality and black life experiences are different than whites.  White reality is not black reality. White moms don’t fear for their
sons when they walk out the door. Black moms always are in fear for their son’s safety. Have in depth conversations on life experiences to
gain deeper understanding.
5.  Help build bridges.  Promote  relationships across race lines. Building close friendships and associations will help break barriers and build bridges.
We are all God’s children.

Please listen to this beautiful song I heard at the Baha’i devotional called
“ROSE GARDEN” by Gary Sterling. 
From Ernest Holmes:
“We are each an outlet and an inlet to God.”
“It is impossible for a man to conceal himself. In every act, word or gesture, he stands revealed as he is, and not as he would have himself appear to be.
From the universe nothing is or can be hidden.”

Building & Crossing Bridges,
Abigail and Steve