Pray Know Trust

Dear Friends,
I know prayers are circling the earth for many reasons, the pandemic, racial and social justice, government leaders integrity, as well as prayers for our immediate family, friends and faith communities. I don’t know about you, but there are times when prayers do not seem to be answered, and then all of a sudden the answer appears in ways we would least expect.
Truth:  Once the words of prayer are released they go  into the Universal Law of Mind and are IMMEDIATELY acted upon and answered in Spirit. Spirit time is always in the NOW, and human time can seem like forever.   In the Science of Mind text, Ernest Holmes says, “The Truth is instantaneous in its demonstration, taking only such time in Its unfoldment as is inherent in the law of a logical and sequential evolution…  We must come to trust, although we do not see the way, we must believe the way IS OPERATIVE.
We must trust the Invisible, for It is the sole cause of that which is visible.” page 57
All prayers are answered. For example, my daughter has wanted a secure and loving relationship and children for at least 10 years.  It wasn’t until January of this year she and her beloved moved in together and she became pregnant in February. Was this fast or slow?  It was neither.  It was in Divine Timing!  I began praying for her Divine Soulmate years ago and never heard anything until WOW it happened.  God’s Timing is perfect and we need to remember that principle in our lives today.
Since God’s Time is always in the NOW moment, our prayers must be affirmative and always in the now as well.  Stop praying for what you don’t want and pray for what you DO want.  The negative thoughts go out and return as well, so let us send our prayers out as positive and purposeful!
Our Science of Mind 5 step prayer treatment works.  Here is the outline.
1. God is.….(what is God to you?) Intelligence, Wise, All Present, Loving, Active, Abundant, Joyful, Compassionate, Caring, Creator, Source…..
2. I AM (state your ONENESS with God) the essence of God in human form.  God’s qualities are my qualities. God in me, as me, is me. I am created out of the essence of God. The DNA of God is also in me.
3. I speak my word…. I ask, I accept, I declare all this NOW!
What ever you are praying for, say it as if it has already happened. This is also a good time to IMAGINE it happening. Stay with the vision until if feels complete.   A picture is worth a thousand words.
4. I give thanks to God and am grateful for the Divine Timing and Outcome.
I accept this and/or something greater/better.
5. I release and let go and let God’s Will be done.
And So It Is, Amen, Amen, Amen
Praying, Knowing, Trusting,
Abigail and Steve


Dear Friends,
I have been reading two books that have rocked my world. One is White Fagility by Robin DiAngelo and the other is How to Be An Antiracist by
Ibram X. Kendi (still reading).  I believe we have all been blown apart by the racial injustice we see in our country and in the world. For me  this was the tipping point for white people to look deeply into our consciousness and psyche to be honest about our thoughts about race.
I read an article on line titled, “Am I a Racist? You May Not Like the Answer” by John Blake, CNN
“One of the biggest obstacles to fighting racism is despair. There’s a belief that racism will never be eliminated because it always adapts to survive,
and humans are too tribal to look past superficial differences in others.
But the modern framework of racism – a racial hierarchy with White on top and Black on bottom – is a relatively recent fabrication. The notion that
people with darker skin are inherently inferior was contrived around 500 years ago by Europeans to justify slavery and colonial conquest, scholars say.
History lessons won’t prevent someone from being a racist. But something else can: genuine, sustained personal relationships with people of color.”
“Wornie Reed, a veteran civil rights activist and the director of the Race and Social Policy Center at Virginia Tech, says, “A racist person is a person who commits racist acts.”Those acts, he says, are backed by a set of beliefs that support the idea that race determines human traits and capacities and makes one race automatically superior to another.”If they do racist things, I’m willing to call them a racist,” Reed says. “You can be a racist even if you don’t intend to be one.”And racism? It’s not one thing but many. It’s a system of advantage based on race, scholars say. It’s a collection of stereotypes, prejudices and discriminatory behavior. It’s overt and covert. And it operates across an individual, group and societal level.”
“A lot of anti-racism work today leads to talk about “implicit bias,” or “racial bias.” Those are terms that describe how racial stereotypes and
assumptions infiltrate our subconscious. People can act and think in racist ways without knowing it. A classic example of this was a famous experiment in which researchers sent 5,000 fictitious resumes in response to employment ads. Some applicants had White-sounding names such as “Brendan,” while others had Black-sounding names, like “Jamal.”
The applicants with White-sounding names were 50% more likely to get calls for interviews than their Black-sounding counterparts.
Racism is individual and more importantly is systemic and structural.”
“The article said, to go beyond the first question ‘Am I a racist?’ and ask
What am I doing to stop racism I see in the world?”
To read the entire article go to:
When I was a little girl, my dad had a friend, colleague and business partner by the name of Togo Tanaka.   To me, he was uncle Togo.  We knew his family and I played with his children.  Togo taught me how to count to 10 in Japanese.
One day my dad tried explaining what happened to Japanese Americans  during WW2 I was shocked, mad and I cried. I said, “How could they do that to Togo?” He was almost part of our family. Systemic injustice and racism extends to our Asian, Latinx and Native friends as well.
The point being, friendship, knowing someone on a deeper level, will always trigger something in us to stand up for our friends and loved ones. Foster diverse friendship, and be open to hearing words or ways you may be a racist without knowing it. Don’t be fragile, be honest and real within yourself.
Waking Up and Doing Something,
Abigail and Steve

Outer Reflects the Inner

Dear Friends,
I was reading a wonderful article in the Unity Magazine featuring Bishop John Shelby Spong.  Bishop Spong is a retired Episcopal Bishop and still actively writes and speaks. In the article Bishop Spong described prayer as, “…an inner event that moves outward toward the world and humanity. I sit consciously inside the experience of whatever the Other, the Divine, the Holy is, and then I begin to incorporate that into myself, and I’m able to live it out better than I would otherwise.  I think that in some sense God cannot be separated from who I am… God works through self-conscious human beings, by calling us to live and to love and to be, and to create a world where others can live and love and be.”
I believe we share that same belief.  In New Thought we believe God is all there is, in us, through us, as us.  The very essence of God is who we are. When we pray and meditate on GOD as our inner essence, that feeling and knowing continues as we step out into the world to be, and do our work. We do believe in a world that works for everyone.
A couple weeks ago I asked everyone to GOLDEN KEY a problem, challenge
or issue you may be dealing with. Did you?  I did. I GOLDEN KEYed a relative who due to his politics said some very nasty and upsetting words to me with his final sentence being “no more communication.”  I didn’t want to let this go, and yet if I kept trying to connect, it would make matters worse.  So, I GOLDEN KEYed him and began thinking about God. I even wrote down all the words I could think of that describe God to me.  I was in the flow and essence of God Presence and I forgot about this person.  When I felt complete I began doing other things.   The next day, I got a text and a phone call from this person and his apology was accepted. 🙂 Immersing one’s self in God clears and clarifies all situations.
Being in the experience of the Divine, the Holy One, God, by whatever name you wish to call IT, is a coming home to our SELF. Our God Self where all is good and right with the world.  It is only here in this place of surrender to the ONE that we can change  our world.  The “outer” always reflects the “inner.”
Spend time with your INNER GOD PRESENCE. Allow the experience to wash over you and flow through you. The blessings will manifest in your life and you will be a blessing for others.
Flowing from the Presence Within,
Abigail and Steve

Golden Key Challenges

Dear Friends,
The other day I was looking for a particular spiritual book and came across a  little book called “The Golden Key,” by Emmet Fox.  It was quite popular years ago and has a sacred and eternal message.  I read it and thought, this is just what I needed for today, for the unrest we are all feeling with the pandemic and the racism in our country. It is a simple, yet profound book
and teaching.
Emmet Fox says, “The Golden Key to harmony is in your hand now.”
  What ever problem you are having do this:
 “Stop thinking about the difficulty, 
whatever it is and think about God instead.”
I remember years ago teaching a group of children and parents this simple idea. We talked about some problems they might be having and then asked them to think about God. What is God to them?
Later I received a call from one mother who thanked me for the Sunday message. Her little boy was playing in a huge sand box with some of his favorite toys. In the play, he realized he lost his favorite car. He looked all over, then started digging in several places. After awhile, he stopped looking.  His mother said while he stopped he told her he was thinking about God.
He then ‘seemed to know’ where the car was. He went to the area of the sand box, put his hand under the sand and pulled up his car. His mother seemed shocked.  Her little boy just said, “I stopped thinking about where the car was and thought about God.”
We were all so happy and elated that a child would easily put into practice a basic Spiritual Principle.
We all have problems. It may be worry about job security, life savings security, health and wellness concerns,, estranged family members, people who have wronged us, our country’s future, justice for yourself and/or others. There are so many things we can allow ourselves to be stressed and anxious over.
This simple Golden Key practice of “Turn Away From the Problem and Think About God” is one sacred and effective way to allow God to take over.  We often think WE have to solve a problem, so we fuss and fume and make mistakes.  Emmet Fox says, “Your objective is to drive the thought of the difficulty right out of your consciousness substituting thoughts of God. If you can become so absorbed in the spiritual world that you really forget for awhile all about the trouble, you will presently find you are safely and comfortably out of your difficulty.”
Allow yourself ample time to be in a quiet, sacred place. Make yourself comfortable. You may want to  light a candle, play some meditative music to help yourself be at peace and ready to think about God.  Say, “I am going to “Golden Key (person’s name), (difficulty) now.” Then stop thinking about him, her or it and replace the name and situation with thoughts of God.
What does God means to you?
Love, Joy, Goodness, Peace, Comfort, Well-being, Source, Creator, Infinite Creative Possibilities, Divine Mind, Divine Order, Truth, Wisdom,
Present Everywhere, Infinite Intelligence, Knows Everything.
Emmet Fox says, “Constantly repeat some statement of absolute Truth,
that appeals to you such as:
There is no power but God.
I am the child of God filled and surrounded by the perfect peace of God.
God is Love.
God is guiding me now.
God is with me.
Each time you feel your attention wander, switch it back to God.”
Then RELEASE, LET GO and LET GOD Design the Outcome.
Do this everyday and watch the miracles happen.
Let me know the wondrous outcomes you have when practicing
The Golden Key.