Turn Up the Voice of Spirit

Dear Friends,
At this time in the world, when fear permeates the air, with news and social  media, we need to turn that volume down and turn UP  the volume of Spirit in our heart to love, live life with joy, and happiness.
We need to get back to basics and KNOW:
1. God is all there is. Peace, Power, Love, Wisdom, Intelligence, Guidance, Goodness,  Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omniactive, Omniloving EVERYWHERE in all and through all.
2. All that God IS reigns within me/us. That peace, power, love, wisdom, intelligence guidance and goodness  is always available within us, ready to be heard and felt. When we accept this Truth we are connecting with our own Divinity and Uniqueness.  We are all loved equally regardless of faith, culture, race, politics or country.  We each have our own path and choices to make.
When we rely on the inner Wisdom and Direction of our own Spirit (God,
Source, Creator) we can easily move into action when directed.
The still small voice (God intuition) within is ready to be heard.  When our world is quiet and meditative. we can hear it.  Listen for it everyday.  There are times when we have not listened to it, and we say “Dang, I knew I shouldn’t have done that or gone that way.”
Today turn UP the God volume, 
by turning down the TV, radio and other media.
Listen to what is YOURS to do today.  It will bring you happiness, joy and
 you will feel fulfilled and purposeful.
Turning UP the Volume of Spirit Within,
Abigail and Steve

Bringing the Light

” He will wipe every tear from their eyes. 
There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, 
for the old order of things has passed away.”
-Revelation 21:3 (NIV)
September 22, 2020
Dear Friends,
The other day I sat down to my computer to make a few edits on the talk I was going to give on an Interfaith Women’s Panel during International Peace Week.
As I clicked to SAVE, it wouldn’t save and kept saying my document was a READ ONLY.  I checked my emails and couldn’t send or receive.  It was only a few hours before I had to get on to the zoom call and my computer seemed to be stuck or stopped. Now What!!!??? Almost panicking, I called my “go to techie friend” Don, and his simple reminder was to shut down and REBOOT.
Duh!  Why didn’t I think of that.
This reminded me that right now our world, our earth, our people are in a REBOOT. We have shut down during this pandemic because of the flaws, errors, glitches in our human system. However looking at the world and all the trauma, anger, and the divisiveness I had forgotten there are so many GOOD people in the world doing wonderful works and being in loving service.  YOU and so many people around the world are truly bringing LIGHT,  LOVE and the GREATER GOOD back to this planet. Your care for others is switching on the LIGHT and REBOOTING our planet and our people. For LIGHT always eliminates darkness. LOVE for others is always the answer. That is the truth.
The old thoughts, and systems, are passing away. The new thoughts and equity for all is happening. We as a human race are changing. We cannot remain as we were.
People in every system are looking at ways to make changes for the greater good, in education, police reform, government, businesses, banks, and more. YES, there are still those who are fighting to keep the old ways, however we know change cannot be stopped.  BE the Change. REBOOT whatever system you are a part of and know you are being Guided to do what is right for one and all.
Here is a beautiful video created by the Franciscan Peace Center Sisters.
Walking for Peace Across the USA
for the International Day of Peace and Campaign Non Violence 
It is a virtual walk by people from all over the United States, from every faith tradition, ethnicity, color, and  age.  Enjoy and be inspired!
Bringing the LIGHT,
Abigail and Steve
p.s. Rev. Steve has written many books on REBOOTING your life.  Go to our website and find the book just right for you!

What Are Your Highest Ideals for America?

Dear Friends,
What are your highest ideals for America, the world and humanity?. We know what you think about, you bring about.  God gave us a creative mind and the free will to use it. We have the responsibility to use it wisely. The energy that goes out from our thoughts and our feelings creates our reality and the reality of others.  We truly do contribute to each atom, cell and molecule of everything on our planet, our humanity and the universe.  When we truly believe we can make changes with our hearts and minds, it will come about.
I attended ‘One Heart One Mind CSL’ service last Sunday.  I loved the story
Rev. Michelle Ingalls shared.  “Villagers came together to pray for rain. Everything was dry and they desperately needed rain for everything to grow.  Once they were all assembled the prayers began.  Then a small boy appeared in the group. He was the only one who had an umbrella.”  He truly believed it was going to rain.  How much faith and belief do we have in these turbulent times?
Can you believe and affirm...
I am healthy, safe and responsible. I wear my mask for myself and others.
My family and friends are healthy and safe.
I see only GOOD coming from this pandemic.
I believe the new vaccine will work and available now!
(Declaring, & believing ahead of time signifies faith and belief, just like the little boy with the umbrella.)
Add your personal declarations of faith to this list…
The Higher our Ideals, and Values are, the closer we are to using  and being our Christ /God Consciousness.  The more we claim these High Ideas and Values the more High Energy vibrates out into our personal world and the universal consciousness.  We are all connected.  Myth says when a butterfly flaps its wings there is a storm somewhere else on earth.  We must truly realize our impact on our society and the world.  Each one of is here to make a difference.  The tools we have are our internal thoughts, God Intuition, Guidance, feelings and action.
Focusing on the Highest and Best in Life,
Abigail and Steve

Change and Gratitude

Dear Friends,
Change and Gratitude.
I was in a place of deep gratitude one morning, thinking about my life, my past, and my present.  Every experience I had moved me forward and brought about a change in my life. These changes brought a shift in consciousness. Change and consciousness go together.
I am grateful for the time I spent in the 1990’s  discovering New Thought, being mentored by my minister/teacher Dr. Juanella Evans, going through classes, meeting other ministers and then meeting Dr. Steve and creating our own ministry in 2000.
Steve and my ministry evolved and changed from being a child centered church to family oriented to Interfaith based.  This became the basis for our purpose and focus from 2006 to the present day. As part of our ministry, we were one of the founders of POINT Interfaith Team. POINT evolved and changed from being an educational organization to including social justice activities and events.  We expanded our work by attending the NAIN (North American Interfaith Network) and the Parliaments of World Religions Conferences.
Over the years, we enjoyed the time we spent visiting with our daughter and her little dog Zoe (who recently passed away). Now we  look forward to spending time with our daughter, her beloved Glenn and a sweet baby girl coming in October.
All things change.
Over the years, we were somewhat estranged with our son, and now even though we disagree politically, we have reconnected. All things change.
Ecclesiastes 3
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted…
Yes, there are times I miss some of the “Good Ole Days,” however those days,
that season, my shift in consciousness brought me to where I am today.
There was a purpose for every path,  a time for every turn,  and a season for every decision I made.
BE GRATEFUL for all CHANGES in your life.   There is a reason for every season.
Make today a beautiful memory, so you can look back and say:
I was grateful for what I had.
I was kind to all I met.
I stopped to smell a rose, call a friend, be a good neighbor.
I followed my heart and the strings of my soul.
I lived purposefully doing what I love to do.
I did at least one thing that made a difference in the world.
I AM GRATEFUL for my past, all the wonders, joys, and heartaches it brought.
I AM GRATEFUL for the present and the changes that brought me here today.
I am making wonderful memories today in which I can look back 10 years from now, and be joyful.
Today is a new day. Create a new memory.  Live, love, laugh and be grateful!