Change and Gratitude

Dear Friends,
Change and Gratitude.
I was in a place of deep gratitude one morning, thinking about my life, my past, and my present.  Every experience I had moved me forward and brought about a change in my life. These changes brought a shift in consciousness. Change and consciousness go together.
I am grateful for the time I spent in the 1990’s  discovering New Thought, being mentored by my minister/teacher Dr. Juanella Evans, going through classes, meeting other ministers and then meeting Dr. Steve and creating our own ministry in 2000.
Steve and my ministry evolved and changed from being a child centered church to family oriented to Interfaith based.  This became the basis for our purpose and focus from 2006 to the present day. As part of our ministry, we were one of the founders of POINT Interfaith Team. POINT evolved and changed from being an educational organization to including social justice activities and events.  We expanded our work by attending the NAIN (North American Interfaith Network) and the Parliaments of World Religions Conferences.
Over the years, we enjoyed the time we spent visiting with our daughter and her little dog Zoe (who recently passed away). Now we  look forward to spending time with our daughter, her beloved Glenn and a sweet baby girl coming in October.
All things change.
Over the years, we were somewhat estranged with our son, and now even though we disagree politically, we have reconnected. All things change.
Ecclesiastes 3
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted…
Yes, there are times I miss some of the “Good Ole Days,” however those days,
that season, my shift in consciousness brought me to where I am today.
There was a purpose for every path,  a time for every turn,  and a season for every decision I made.
BE GRATEFUL for all CHANGES in your life.   There is a reason for every season.
Make today a beautiful memory, so you can look back and say:
I was grateful for what I had.
I was kind to all I met.
I stopped to smell a rose, call a friend, be a good neighbor.
I followed my heart and the strings of my soul.
I lived purposefully doing what I love to do.
I did at least one thing that made a difference in the world.
I AM GRATEFUL for my past, all the wonders, joys, and heartaches it brought.
I AM GRATEFUL for the present and the changes that brought me here today.
I am making wonderful memories today in which I can look back 10 years from now, and be joyful.
Today is a new day. Create a new memory.  Live, love, laugh and be grateful!