Bringing the Light

” He will wipe every tear from their eyes. 
There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, 
for the old order of things has passed away.”
-Revelation 21:3 (NIV)
September 22, 2020
Dear Friends,
The other day I sat down to my computer to make a few edits on the talk I was going to give on an Interfaith Women’s Panel during International Peace Week.
As I clicked to SAVE, it wouldn’t save and kept saying my document was a READ ONLY.  I checked my emails and couldn’t send or receive.  It was only a few hours before I had to get on to the zoom call and my computer seemed to be stuck or stopped. Now What!!!??? Almost panicking, I called my “go to techie friend” Don, and his simple reminder was to shut down and REBOOT.
Duh!  Why didn’t I think of that.
This reminded me that right now our world, our earth, our people are in a REBOOT. We have shut down during this pandemic because of the flaws, errors, glitches in our human system. However looking at the world and all the trauma, anger, and the divisiveness I had forgotten there are so many GOOD people in the world doing wonderful works and being in loving service.  YOU and so many people around the world are truly bringing LIGHT,  LOVE and the GREATER GOOD back to this planet. Your care for others is switching on the LIGHT and REBOOTING our planet and our people. For LIGHT always eliminates darkness. LOVE for others is always the answer. That is the truth.
The old thoughts, and systems, are passing away. The new thoughts and equity for all is happening. We as a human race are changing. We cannot remain as we were.
People in every system are looking at ways to make changes for the greater good, in education, police reform, government, businesses, banks, and more. YES, there are still those who are fighting to keep the old ways, however we know change cannot be stopped.  BE the Change. REBOOT whatever system you are a part of and know you are being Guided to do what is right for one and all.
Here is a beautiful video created by the Franciscan Peace Center Sisters.
Walking for Peace Across the USA
for the International Day of Peace and Campaign Non Violence 
It is a virtual walk by people from all over the United States, from every faith tradition, ethnicity, color, and  age.  Enjoy and be inspired!
Bringing the LIGHT,
Abigail and Steve
p.s. Rev. Steve has written many books on REBOOTING your life.  Go to our website and find the book just right for you!